Osttimor und die Politik des Völkermordes
AFP, 9.9.99
Kommentar der New York Times, zit. nach Noam Chomsky: "Why Americans should care about East Timor"
Microsoft Encarta 1998, Stichwort Osttimorkonflikt
Radiotranskript Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 24.8.99: "Thousands flee East Timor town fearing militia attack"
The Nation, 25.8.99, Editorial
Radiotranskript Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 25.8.99: "War looming in parts of East Timor"
Geoffrey Heard PR (vertritt Widerstandsrat CNRT), 26.8.99
The Australien, 31.8.99: "History's credit to Canberra in referendum"
The Australian, 11.9.99: "Freedom vote let loose a reign of terror"
AP, 5.9.99
Sydney Morning Herald, 6.9.99: "Jakarta's bloody hands: military back killings" sowie The Age, 5.9.99: "UN finds high-level army terror role"
Radiotranskript Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 5.9.99: "Horrific reports of militia violence"
South China Morning Post, 6.9.99: "The game is to intimidate journalists into leaving"
The Independent, 7.9.99: "The true horror of what is happening here is beyond belief"
Radiotranskript Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 7.9.99: "Indonesia replacing E. Timorese with pro-autonomy W. Timorese"
epd, 5.9.99 sowie dpa, 7.9.99
Sydney Morning Herald, 8.9.99: "As the UN dwindles, Dili burns"
Sydney Morning Herald, 9.9.99: "Bill to cut all US aid to go before Congress" sowie AFP, 10.9.99
Zit. nach Noam Chomsky: "Comments On the Occasion of the Forthcoming APEC Summit", 10.9.99, Z Magazine
Reuters, 8.5.98
AP, 3.5.99
The Independent, 19.12.98: "The Forceful Peacemaker", sowie Microsoft Encarta 1998
dpa, 12.9.99
Sydney Morning Post, 11.9.99: "Refugee plight compared to Nazi terror against Jews", South China Morning Post, 11.9.99: "Victims 'left to die' on streets where they fell", Radiotranskript Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 10.9.99: "Soldiers don UNAMET uniforms to herd abductees away"
AFP, 12.9.99
AP, 13.9.99
dpa, 13.9.99
dpa, 14.9.99
Geoffrey Heard PR (vertritt Widerstandsrat CNRT), 13.9.99