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Micronations, Westbank Industries

Sender: Stuart Rosenberg, stuart@softa.com

Lieber Stuart! Herzlichen Dank fuer deine Reaktion auf unseren Beitrag "WestBank Industries" im Rahmen des pop~Tarts Überthemas "Micronations". ~

Stuart wrote: Hi Margarete, Very nice to hear from you and thank you very much for writing the article about WB. (spelt WestBank).

It was a interesting point of view of the project.

Thanks for the anonymous comparison between the artists (which is only me) and Ingo Guenther.

I tend to disagree on some of the points.... The statements under the Passport are not WestBank's. They are Vento's. (same passport designer as RR) We just provide them a store shelf. If you want our beliefs read the Identity section.

Sincerely, s2


pop~Mail 2
Subject: MICRONATIONS, WESTBANK INDUSTRIES von Stuart Rosenberg Sender: Stuart Rosenberg:

Hi again!

To answer your critique about the DigiCash free zone. That is what the West Bank Smoking Section is!

"As a group network becomes more important and complex, control over its management becomes fought over. Elections take place; constitutions, bylaws and regulations are passed. Arbitration mechanisms are set up. Financial assessments of members takes place. Networks become political entities. We may be witnessing the creation of new and extra-territorial forms of new quasi-jurisdictions that are not clearly subordinated to any others." - Eli Noam 1991

"... As this new generation of warfare communication evolves, electronic networks expand the world's battlefield to a series of bits and bytes that are masked in the form of knowledge and information. The physical borders that circle a country are going to spread or even vanish with the aid of these networks. Cultures will integrate and new relationships will evolve based on interests and ideas. Not everyone is going to like each other's ideas. People may take offence to a point where they want to physically cripple the opposing party. It will be too difficult to actually travel to the destination of the opponent and there is no reason why one should, all battles can be fought from inside a network system. The writing of computer programs can eliminate a defined "info-nation" in the future faster then an atomic bomb. Of course this is all speculation but it isn't difficult to imagine. ..."

Stuart Rosenberg
Core War Betting Hill [1] 1995

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