Nach andauernden Protesten und Straßenschlachten mit der Polizei bei welchen unter Anderem Brandsätze, Schusswaffen und Bulldozer gegen die Ordnungskräfte eingesetzt wurden, stürmten Regierungsgegner am 22. Februar 2014 das Parlament und andere Regierungsgebäude in Kiew, vertrieben die gewählte Regierung und den amtierenden Präsidenten und ergriffen die Macht.
Stuttgarter Zeitung berichtete: ⁽¹⁾
Kiew - Gegner des ukrainischen Präsidenten Viktor Janukowitsch haben nach eigenen Angaben die Macht in der Hauptstadt Kiew ergriffen.
Selbstverteidigungskräfte hätten die Kontrolle über das Parlament, den Regierungssitz und die Präsidialkanzlei übernommen, sagte Andrej Parubij, der Kommandant des Protestlagers, am Samstagmorgen auf dem Unabhängigkeitsplatz (Maidan).
Drei Monate vorher (!) hielt der Volksabgeordnete der Ukraine Oleh Zarjow im Ukrainischen Parlament eine Brandrede, in welcher er USA vorwarf einen Putsch in der Ukraine vorzubereiten und forderte eine parlamentarische Untersuchung gegen Mitarbeiter der US-Botschaft in Kiew.
Die Rede von Oleh Zarjow ist auf Video dokumentiert ⁽²⁾ und wurde in der Ukrainischen Zeitung Leviy Bereg (LB) abgedruckt. ⁽³⁾
Hier ist die Übersetzung:
By: Peoples Deputy of Ukraine Oleh Zarjow
Activists of the public organisation “Volya” adressed to me, as the people’s Deputy of Ukraine and provided strong evidence that on our territory, with the support and direct participation of the U.S. Embassy, project “Techcamp” is being implemented, which includes preparations for inciting civil war in Ukraine.
Project “Techcamp” is aimed at training specialists in information warfare and the discreditation of state institutions in modern media. Preparing potential revolutionaries to organize protest actions and overthrow of the state regime. The project is under the patronage and supervision of the U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Jeffrey Payette.
After meeting with the activists of the organization “Volya” I have found out that some of them managed to get under the guise of specialists on it-technologies at “Techcamp” events. To their surprise, under the guise of teaching the use of modern media, U.S. instructors talked about the use of social media and Internet technologies for purposeful influence on public opinion, the intensification of the protest potential with the aim of organizing violent actions and radicalization of the struggle for power. As examples the american trainers reminded of the use of social networks in staged street riots in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya.
Techcamp graduates now actively carry out subversive activities in Ukraine, openly recruiting on the Internet of like-minded people to organize mass riots, provocations and protests, citing the support of the U.S. Embassy.
The last “Techcamp” conference was held on 14-15 November 2013 directly on-site of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine. Her “students” from among the selected by U.S. Embassy, citizens of Ukraine, have studied Internet technologies in terms of mobilizing protest potential with the subsequent organization of force for the destabilization of society. The trainers were citizens and employees of the U.S. government: Matt Berg, Kara Andrade, and others.
Considering the above, in my opinion, it is necessary to answer a number of questions:
1. Do the representatives of the US Embassy, who organize “Techcamp” conferences and them their diplomatic missions property, violate the UN Declaration of 21 December 1965 on the inadmissibility of intervention in the internal Affairs of States and on the protection of their independence and sovereignty. In particular, its articles 1, 2, 5?
2. Are the above-mentioned actions of the Embassy not conflicting with the Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations of 18 April 1961, in particular, article 3 of the Convention?
3. What is the legal status for staying on the territory of Ukraine have citizens of the USA Mette Berg and Kara Andrade? Don’t their actions violate Ukrainian law about staying of foreigners on the territory of our state?
4. How are those actions of an employee of the US state Department Kara Andrade and the staff of the Embassy press attache and Deputy press attache of the Embassy, involved in the organization of “Techcamp” events comply with their diplomatic status?
These technologies have already been successfully tested in Libya, Tunisia, Egypt and Syria, where their destructive power is still effective. There is political chaos, and in worsts cases – a continuing protracted civil war. As a result, trained by American specialists staged revolutions in just the past 10 years has killed more than 1 million civilians. A further object of working out of their technology, they have chosen Ukraine.
In 2004, American instructors trained local “eaters” for relatively peaceful capture of power, but the “velvet revolutions” seems irretrievably gone and we are threatened by prolonged instability and chaos in the economy and armed clashes.
Considering the above, in accordance with provisions of the law “On status of people’s Deputy of Ukraine”, please consider this appeal as a Parliamentary inquiry and accept the relevant state authorities comprehensive measures to stop and prevent in the future from the representatives of foreign countries, including the US, the facts of interference in the internal Affairs of our. On the measures taken please inform periodically.
PS: Die Vereinigten Staaten und die Bundesregierung haben den blutigen bewaffneten Putsch nicht verurteilt und haben die neue Regierung umgehend international anerkannt.