Erst nachdem klar war, dass die Nazis den Krieg verlieren würden,
haben USA und GB die zweite Front eröffnet und so viele Nazis vor
ihrer Bestrafung gerettet. Auch die faschistischen Diktaturen in
Portugal(NATO-Gründungsmitglied) und Spanien wurden dadurch gerettet.
Den Menschen dort blieb die Befreiung vom Faschismus verwehrt. Das
US-Apartheidsregime bevorzugte wie so oft Faschismus statt
Demokratie. Daran hat sich bis heute nichts geändert, wie der
Nazi-Putsch in der Ukraine zeigt.
"Furthermore, although Hitler's rhetorical commitments and actions
were completely public, internal U.S. government documents from the
1930s refer to him as a "moderate." For example, the American chargé
d'affaires in Berlin wrote to Washington in 1933 that the hope for
Germany lay in "the more moderate section of the [Nazi] party, headed
by Hitler himself . . . which appeal[s] to all civilized and
reasonable people," and seems to have "the upper hand" over the
violent fringe. "From the standpoint of stable political conditions,
it is perhaps well that Hitler is now in a position to wield
unprecedented power," noted the American Ambassador, Frederic
Sackett. See Schmitz, The United States and Fascist Italy, 1922-1940,
pp. 140, 174, 133, and ch. 9; Foreign Relations of the United States,
1933, Vol. II ("British Commonwealth, Europe, Near East and Africa"),
Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1949, pp. 329, 209.
The U.S. reaction to Fascist Italy before the war was similar. A
high-level inquiry of the Wilson administration determined in
December 1917 that with rising labor militancy, Italy posed "the
obvious danger of social revolution and disorganization." A State
Department official noted privately that "If we are not careful we
will have a second Russia on our hands," adding: "The Italians are
like children" and "must be [led] and assisted more than almost any
other nation." Mussolini's Blackshirts solved the problem by
violence. They carried out "a fine young revolution," the American
Ambassador to Italy observed approvingly, referring to Mussolini's
March on Rome in October 1922, which brought Italian democracy to an
end. Racist goons effectively ended labor agitation with government
help, and the democratic deviation was terminated; the United States
watched with approval."
"The following is excerpted from a report printed by the United
States Senate Committee on the Judiciary in 1974:
Ford was also active in Nazi Germany's prewar preparations. In 1938,
for instance, it opened a truck assembly plant in Berlin whose "real
purpose," according to U.S. Army Intelligence, was producing "troop
transport-type" vehicles for the Wehrmacht. That year Ford's chief
executive received the Nazi German Eagle (first class)....
The outbreak of war in September 1939 resulted inevitably in the full
conversion by GM and Ford of their Axis plants to the production of
military aircraft and trucks.... On the ground, GM and Ford
subsidiaries built nearly 90 percent of the armored "mule" 3-ton
half-trucks and more than 70 percent of the Reich's medium and
heavy-duty trucks. These vehicles, according to American intelligence
reports, served as "the backbone of the German Army transportation
After the cessation of hostilities, GM and Ford demanded reparations
from the U.S. Government for wartime damages sustained by their Axis
facilities as a result of Allied bombing... Ford received a little
less than $1 million, primarily as a result of damages sustained by
its military truck complex at Cologne...
Due to their multinational dominance of motor vehicle production, GM
and Ford became principal suppliers for the forces of fascism as well
as for the forces of democracy. It may, of course, be argued that
participating in both sides of an international conflict, like the
common corporate practice of investing in both political parties
before an election, is an appropriate corporate activity. Had the
Nazis won, General Motors and Ford would have appeared impeccably
Nazi; as Hitler lost, these companies were able to re-emerge
impeccably American. In either case, the viability of these
corporations and the interests of their respective stockholders would
have been preserved."
"Hitlers amerikanische Geschäftsfreunde - US Konzerne verdienten am
Ohne die von Opel und Ford produzierten Lastwägen und Kettenfahrzeuge
hätte Hitler weder Österreich noch die Tschechoslowakei besetzen,
noch Polen und Frankreich in einem mobilen Blitzkrieg überrennen
können. Rund 90% der Dreitonner-Kettenfahrzeuge und zwei Drittel
aller mittelgroßen LKWs für die Wehrmacht wurden von Opel und Ford
produziert. Opel fertigte außerdem einen großen Teil der Motoren und
des Rumpfes für die Ju-88, Hitlers wichtigstem Bomber, sowie gegen
Kriegsende die Turbinen für die Me-262, den ersten Düsenjäger der
Welt. Beide Firmen beschäftigten Tausende von Zwangsarbeitern,
darunter auch KZ-Häftlinge.
Standard Oil of New Jersey lieferte bis in die ersten Kriegsjahre
hinein Rohöl, Spezialmotoröl für Panzer und Tetra-Äthyl für Hitlers
Luftwaffe. Außerdem half Standard Oil bei der Perfektionierung der
Massenherstellung synthetischen Benzins. In einem Geheimabkommen mit
IG-Farben erhielt Standard Oil u.a. deutsche Patente zur Herstellung
synthetischen Gummis, verpflichtete sich aber, diese der
amerikanischen Industrie vorzuenthalten und behinderte damit die
amerikanische Rüstung. Erst 1942 nach einer Senatsuntersuchung, in
der Standard Oil des Verrats bezichtigt wurde, ließ die amerikanische
Regierung diese Patente beschlagnahmen.
Die mit amerikanischer Lizenz gebauten Hollerith-Maschinen der IBM,
den Vorläufern des heutigen Computers, benötigte Hitler, um Rüstung
und Wehrmacht zu organisieren sowie die Vernichtung der Juden
vorzubereiten und später die Zwangsarbeiter für die Rüstungsindustrie
"zu verwalten". Das US-Justizministerium, das 1944 IBMs Nazi-Kontakte
untersuchte, stellte die Firma in den frühen 40er Jahren mit den
Nazis auf eine Stufe."
"Author Snell says that Nazi armaments chief Albert Speer told
him in 1977 that Hitler "would never have considered invading Poland"
without synthetic fuel technology provided by General Motors."
Ab 48:00
"...They send oil to Spain, Vichy France which was reshipped to the
nazis. They even refueled German tankers and U-boats supplying
tetra-ethyl lead which was necessary for aviation gasoline..."
Nach 1945 wurde diese Zusammenarbeit mit den Nazis sogar noch
ausgeweitet, indem die Nazis in den US-amerikanischen
Völkermordapparat integriert wurden.
"Dienstbereit: Nazis & Faschisten im Auftrag der CIA (arte)"
"How Was The CIA Formed?
By absorbing the Nazi war criminal infrastructure"
"Hitler’s Shadow: Nazi War Criminals, U.S. Intelligence, and the Cold
haben USA und GB die zweite Front eröffnet und so viele Nazis vor
ihrer Bestrafung gerettet. Auch die faschistischen Diktaturen in
Portugal(NATO-Gründungsmitglied) und Spanien wurden dadurch gerettet.
Den Menschen dort blieb die Befreiung vom Faschismus verwehrt. Das
US-Apartheidsregime bevorzugte wie so oft Faschismus statt
Demokratie. Daran hat sich bis heute nichts geändert, wie der
Nazi-Putsch in der Ukraine zeigt.
"Furthermore, although Hitler's rhetorical commitments and actions
were completely public, internal U.S. government documents from the
1930s refer to him as a "moderate." For example, the American chargé
d'affaires in Berlin wrote to Washington in 1933 that the hope for
Germany lay in "the more moderate section of the [Nazi] party, headed
by Hitler himself . . . which appeal[s] to all civilized and
reasonable people," and seems to have "the upper hand" over the
violent fringe. "From the standpoint of stable political conditions,
it is perhaps well that Hitler is now in a position to wield
unprecedented power," noted the American Ambassador, Frederic
Sackett. See Schmitz, The United States and Fascist Italy, 1922-1940,
pp. 140, 174, 133, and ch. 9; Foreign Relations of the United States,
1933, Vol. II ("British Commonwealth, Europe, Near East and Africa"),
Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1949, pp. 329, 209.
The U.S. reaction to Fascist Italy before the war was similar. A
high-level inquiry of the Wilson administration determined in
December 1917 that with rising labor militancy, Italy posed "the
obvious danger of social revolution and disorganization." A State
Department official noted privately that "If we are not careful we
will have a second Russia on our hands," adding: "The Italians are
like children" and "must be [led] and assisted more than almost any
other nation." Mussolini's Blackshirts solved the problem by
violence. They carried out "a fine young revolution," the American
Ambassador to Italy observed approvingly, referring to Mussolini's
March on Rome in October 1922, which brought Italian democracy to an
end. Racist goons effectively ended labor agitation with government
help, and the democratic deviation was terminated; the United States
watched with approval."
"The following is excerpted from a report printed by the United
States Senate Committee on the Judiciary in 1974:
Ford was also active in Nazi Germany's prewar preparations. In 1938,
for instance, it opened a truck assembly plant in Berlin whose "real
purpose," according to U.S. Army Intelligence, was producing "troop
transport-type" vehicles for the Wehrmacht. That year Ford's chief
executive received the Nazi German Eagle (first class)....
The outbreak of war in September 1939 resulted inevitably in the full
conversion by GM and Ford of their Axis plants to the production of
military aircraft and trucks.... On the ground, GM and Ford
subsidiaries built nearly 90 percent of the armored "mule" 3-ton
half-trucks and more than 70 percent of the Reich's medium and
heavy-duty trucks. These vehicles, according to American intelligence
reports, served as "the backbone of the German Army transportation
After the cessation of hostilities, GM and Ford demanded reparations
from the U.S. Government for wartime damages sustained by their Axis
facilities as a result of Allied bombing... Ford received a little
less than $1 million, primarily as a result of damages sustained by
its military truck complex at Cologne...
Due to their multinational dominance of motor vehicle production, GM
and Ford became principal suppliers for the forces of fascism as well
as for the forces of democracy. It may, of course, be argued that
participating in both sides of an international conflict, like the
common corporate practice of investing in both political parties
before an election, is an appropriate corporate activity. Had the
Nazis won, General Motors and Ford would have appeared impeccably
Nazi; as Hitler lost, these companies were able to re-emerge
impeccably American. In either case, the viability of these
corporations and the interests of their respective stockholders would
have been preserved."
"Hitlers amerikanische Geschäftsfreunde - US Konzerne verdienten am
Ohne die von Opel und Ford produzierten Lastwägen und Kettenfahrzeuge
hätte Hitler weder Österreich noch die Tschechoslowakei besetzen,
noch Polen und Frankreich in einem mobilen Blitzkrieg überrennen
können. Rund 90% der Dreitonner-Kettenfahrzeuge und zwei Drittel
aller mittelgroßen LKWs für die Wehrmacht wurden von Opel und Ford
produziert. Opel fertigte außerdem einen großen Teil der Motoren und
des Rumpfes für die Ju-88, Hitlers wichtigstem Bomber, sowie gegen
Kriegsende die Turbinen für die Me-262, den ersten Düsenjäger der
Welt. Beide Firmen beschäftigten Tausende von Zwangsarbeitern,
darunter auch KZ-Häftlinge.
Standard Oil of New Jersey lieferte bis in die ersten Kriegsjahre
hinein Rohöl, Spezialmotoröl für Panzer und Tetra-Äthyl für Hitlers
Luftwaffe. Außerdem half Standard Oil bei der Perfektionierung der
Massenherstellung synthetischen Benzins. In einem Geheimabkommen mit
IG-Farben erhielt Standard Oil u.a. deutsche Patente zur Herstellung
synthetischen Gummis, verpflichtete sich aber, diese der
amerikanischen Industrie vorzuenthalten und behinderte damit die
amerikanische Rüstung. Erst 1942 nach einer Senatsuntersuchung, in
der Standard Oil des Verrats bezichtigt wurde, ließ die amerikanische
Regierung diese Patente beschlagnahmen.
Die mit amerikanischer Lizenz gebauten Hollerith-Maschinen der IBM,
den Vorläufern des heutigen Computers, benötigte Hitler, um Rüstung
und Wehrmacht zu organisieren sowie die Vernichtung der Juden
vorzubereiten und später die Zwangsarbeiter für die Rüstungsindustrie
"zu verwalten". Das US-Justizministerium, das 1944 IBMs Nazi-Kontakte
untersuchte, stellte die Firma in den frühen 40er Jahren mit den
Nazis auf eine Stufe."
"Author Snell says that Nazi armaments chief Albert Speer told
him in 1977 that Hitler "would never have considered invading Poland"
without synthetic fuel technology provided by General Motors."
Ab 48:00
"...They send oil to Spain, Vichy France which was reshipped to the
nazis. They even refueled German tankers and U-boats supplying
tetra-ethyl lead which was necessary for aviation gasoline..."
Nach 1945 wurde diese Zusammenarbeit mit den Nazis sogar noch
ausgeweitet, indem die Nazis in den US-amerikanischen
Völkermordapparat integriert wurden.
"Dienstbereit: Nazis & Faschisten im Auftrag der CIA (arte)"
"How Was The CIA Formed?
By absorbing the Nazi war criminal infrastructure"
"Hitler’s Shadow: Nazi War Criminals, U.S. Intelligence, and the Cold