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  • venice12

mehr als 1000 Beiträge seit 20.09.2015

Re: US European Command: jetzt "Bedrohungsniveau", "potenziell bevorstehende Kri

Was da noch dazugehört:

"Moscow values the Black Sea region at least as much as the Baltic Sea region. The Black Sea is Russia’s “launching pad” for its destabilizing operations in North Africa and the Middle East. This includes Syria, where the Kremlin has propped up the murderous Assad regime and sent millions of refugees fleeing to Europe.2

Moscow also has its own territorial objectives in the Black Sea region, as demonstrated by Russia’s ongoing militarization of Crimea and war in eastern Ukraine and Russia’s continued occupation of Transnistria, Abkhazia, and South Ossetia.3 The Kremlin has engaged in serious provocations in the Kerch Strait and flaunted international law with illegitimate claims to territorial waters around Crimea and Romania’s Exclusive Economic Zone.4 When NATO forces fly and sail where international law permits, Moscow often challenges them.5
... Russia remains a top threat and that maintaining NATO readiness is still the best way to respond.6
Washington must raise the priority of the Black Sea region and develop a strategy that puts the Black Sea in the middle of Eurasia’s geostrategic map."

Fehlt eigentlich nur noch, daß Russland mittels Vorwärtsverteidigung aus dem Schwarzen Meer vertrieben werden muß, denn

" The Black Sea is Russia’s “launching pad” for its destabilizing operations in North Africa and the Middle East. This includes Syria, where the Kremlin has propped up the murderous Assad regime and sent millions of refugees fleeing to Europe.2"

Man muß noch nicht einmal Russisch können, um zuerkenne, was da geplant ist; es gibt in Russland zahlreiche englischsprachige Medien, und natürlich die ganzen US-Strategiepapiere.

Und das hätten wir dann auch noch im Angebot:
Warships & submarines entering zone of Nord Stream 2 pipeline in ‘planned & prepared provocations’ to obstruct work, says operator "

Fehlt nur noch eine Portion russischer 1.April-Humor aus derselben Quelle:

"Trump hotel chain to take over ‘Putin’s Palace’ – ex-US president plans glitzy, gold-themed resort on Russia’s sunny south coast "

Das Posting wurde vom Benutzer editiert (01.04.2021 23:21).

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