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mehr als 1000 Beiträge seit 29.12.2013

Zahlst du gern Tribut an das US-Imperium?

Finanziert werden damit US-Völkermorde mit Millionen Toten wie im Irak:

"How America will get Europe to finance its 2002-03 Oil War with Iraq
This book was the first to explain how America has obliged other countries to finance its payments deficit, including its foreign military spending and its corporate buyouts of European and Asian companies. The Treasury-bill standard enables America to import goods far beyond its ability to export, providing the United States with a unique form of affluence achieved by getting a free ride from Europe, Asia and other regions. When British exporters (or the owners of companies or real estate being sold for dollars) receive more dollars, for instance, the recipients turn these payments over to the Bank of England for sterling. The Bank of England in turn invests these dollars in U.S. Treasury bonds, receiving a relatively small interest rate. There is no alternative for how to spend these dollars now that the gold option has been closed. America has found a way to make the rest of the world pay for its imports, and indeed pay for its takeover of foreign companies, and most imminently to pay for its new war in the Middle East."

"a Federal Reserve bailout commitment in excess of $29 trillion."

Die globale hierarchische Klassengesellschaft laut EU-Think Tank ISS:
"the global political map can today be divided into a hierarchical class society consisting of six layers:

Globalisers Example Share of world pop.
Transnational Corporations - TNC Fortune Global 1,000 0.1%
The Postmodern Community - PMC OECD + 15%
Rapid Transition Societies - RTS China, India, Brazil + 5%

Struggling Modern States - SMS Much of the Arab World 10%
Alienated Modern States - AMS North Korea, Burma, Russia? 5%
Premodern Societies - PMS The Bottom Billion 65%"
(PDF-Seite 70)

"737 Shareholder üben eine Kontrolle von 80 Prozent der transnationalen Unternehmen aus. Für die wirtschaftliche Konzentration spielt der Reichtum eine wesentlich geringere Rolle als die Vernetzung. 40 Prozent der Kontrolle des ökonomischen Werts der transnationalen Unternehmen liegt über "ein kompliziertes Netz an Eigentümerverhältnissen" bei 147 Konzernen, die sich selbst fast vollständig kontrollieren. Dreiviertel dieser transnationalen Konzerne sind Finanzinstitutionen."

"In fact of the leading — top — hundred leading transnationals in the Fortune list of transnationals — there was a recent study of how they — how they related to the States in which they- they’re all somewhere, you know, so they’re all mostly here — in some National State, it turns out that all hundred of them had benefited from industrial policies, meaning, State intervention in their behalf. All hundred had benefited from the State in which they’re based. And twenty of the hundred had been saved from total disaster, that is, collapse, by just State bail-out. When people talk about globalization of the economy, remember that the nanny State has to be very powerful in order to bail out the rich. And nothing is changing in that regard. Twenty out of a hundred, again, were saved from collapse by this, including a number here."

Selbst im konservativen Telegraph kann man inzwischen lesen:
"The rich run a global system that allows them to accumulate capital
and pay the lowest possible price for labour. The freedom that
results applies only to them. The many simply have to work harder, in
conditions that grow ever more insecure, to enrich the few.
Democratic politics, which purports to enrich the many, is actually
in the pocket of those bankers, media barons and other moguls who run
and own everything."

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