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Das Ausbildungsprogramm zum Terroristen kam aus Omaha

Während des Einsatzes der SU in Afghanistan kümmerten sich die USA hingebungsvoll nicht nur um Training und Finanzierung der Islamisten, sondern auch um die Erziehung von deren Nachwuchs:

"Millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars helped fan religious conflict in Afghanistan in the 1980s, according to a major new study, and even money spent since 9/11 may have stoked tensions.
Promoting violence — in the form of jihad against the Soviet invaders and their local proxies — was the goal of the U.S.-funded education effort in the 1980s and early ’90s. Textbooks such as “The Alphabet of Jihad Literacy,” funded by the U.S. and published by the University of Nebraska at Omaha, came out at a time when the CIA was channeling hundreds of millions of dollars to mujahedeen fighters to resist the Soviet occupation.

USAID funded textbooks for distribution at refugee camps in Pakistan, with content written by mujahedeen groups with the support of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency and the CIA.
And while some details have changed, references to Soviets and communists remain. More alarmingly for U.S. and international forces still in the country, the textbooks describe all nonbelievers as the enemy.

“Our religion is Islam. Muhammad is our leader. All the Russians and infidels are our enemy.”

“Kabul is the capital of our dear country,” reads the entry for the letter K. “No one can invade our country. Only Muslim Afghans can rule over this country.”"

Wer Wind sät, ......

"AID dropped funding of Afghan programs in 1994. But the textbooks continued to circulate in various versions, even after the Taliban seized power in 1996.

Officials said private humanitarian groups paid for continued reprintings during the Taliban years. Today, the books remain widely available in schools and shops, to the chagrin of international aid workers.

“The pictures [in] the texts are horrendous to school students, but the texts are even much worse,” said Ahmad Fahim Hakim, an Afghan educator who is a program coordinator for Cooperation for Peace and Unity, a Pakistan-based nonprofit.

An aid worker in the region reviewed an unrevised 100-page book and counted 43 pages containing violent images or passages.
Nobody with normal intelligence could expect to distribute millions of violent Islamist schoolbooks without influencing school children towards violent Islamism. Therefore one would assume that the unnamed US officials who, we are told, are distressed at these “unintended consequences” must previously have been unaware of the Islamist content of the schoolbooks.

But surely someone was aware. The US government can’t write, edit, print and ship millions of violent, Muslim fundamentalist primers into Afghanistan without high officials in the US government approving those primers."

Na ja usw. Man gar nicht früh genug anfangen mit der Ausbildung zum Dschihadisten. Schließlich muß der "Gegner" für den "war on terror"
immer wieder nachwachsen, nicht wahr?

Und stolz vermeldet das Center for Afghan Studies heute:

"Four Decades in Afghanistan

Through war and peace, destitution and reconstruction, the University of Nebraska Omaha's (UNO) Center for Afghanistan Studies and its partners have been on the ground in Afghanistan – printing textbooks, training teachers and journalists, and advising U.S. government officials.

The center’s team members have deep roots in Afghanistan. Many were born and raised there, later working and raising families amid history-making events.

Others have spent nearly their entire professional lives studying the country’s culture and geography, visiting its cities and villages, and working with Afghans.

All are deeply committed to preserving Afghanistan’s heritage and developing its economy and civil society. "

Da kommen einem doch die Tränen oder?

Das Posting wurde vom Benutzer editiert (23.02.2019 19:01).

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