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  • venice12

mehr als 1000 Beiträge seit 20.09.2015

OT Derweil in Südamerika

Oppostionelle als Rotkreuz-Helfer verkleidet:

Was sich das Rote Kreuz verbittet

und beim Basteln von Molotowcocktails:

Hat alles nicht geholfen.

Aus dem Schreiben von Alfred de Zayas an Guterres und Bachelet:

"I believe that this is the moment for Michelle Bachelet to accept the invitation of the government of Venezuela, extended to her in December 2018, to visit Venezuela personally. Her presence in Venezuela should ban the growing danger of a military intervention by foreign entities. She should endorse the efforts at mediation launched by Mexico and Uruguay at the Montevideo mechanism.

There are ominous parallels with the run-up to the Iraq invasion in 2003 — an illegal war, as Kofi Annan said on repeated occasions —"

What next? PCR befürchtet das Schlimmste:

"President Maduro’s failure to arrest Juan Guaido, the puppet chosen by Washington to be the Empire’s front man in Venezuela, might spell the end of Venezuelan democracy. The Venezuelan military will wonder why they are at risk when all Maduro has to do is to arrest Guaido, try the traitor, and execute him.

Chavez’s lack of decisive action against the elite enemies of Venezuelan democracy is now being repeated by Maduro. This sends the signal of a lack of confidence, and it is this lack of confidence that has given birth to the American coup. "

Das Posting wurde vom Benutzer editiert (24.02.2019 06:52).

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