Ob im Irak, Kosovo, Afghanistan oder Albanien. Der Aufbau ist ein
reines Mafia Unterschlagungs GEschäft von Deutschen Politikern.
siehe frühere Beiträge über Berlin Wasser, das der Deutsche
STeuerzahler über dieses reine Mafia Projekt der Deutschen Regierung
die Europa Zentrale der Drogen Mafia in Kavaje und Golem mit einer
neuen Infrastruktur bezahlen sollte.
Das sind die wahren Geschäfte von Rot-Grün in Albanien.
• Tourists pack off because of water pollution
Durres- After many warnings, Durres District Office cancelled the
contract with the German company “Berlin Wasser”.The head of this
office undertook this extreme act as a result of irresponsible and
indifferent attitude of the officials of the German company, who
after some constraints undertaken by local organs, are following
their old habit of not supplying the inhabitants of the coastal city
of Durres, for which the Albanian state invested 20 million dollars
during these last years. Apart this fact, the continuous lack of
water supplying in Plash (beach) area resulted into a sensitive
diminishment of tourists’ flux. Although Plazh’s maintenance office
has done an appreciable preliminary job in the eve of tourist
session, like cleaning the sand from wracks and solid wastes, the
lack of water, spilling over of sewage into the sea, lack of public
water closets throughout the whole territory of Durres beach resulted
into the diminishment of tourist frequentation below the predicted
levels. The zone of Plazh still is suffering the lack of water
supplying and other infrastructure facilities even after the
investments from the state budget for the reconstruction of the road
from Ura e Dajlanit to Plepa, which cost 9 million euro and after
promises full of political rhetoric articulated during the electoral
campaign. The lack of water supplying came naturally after the
indolent job of the German company “Berlin Wasser”, which manages the
water system in the coastal city of Durres. In a recent meeting with
the head of Durres district, Genc Alizoti, the officials of this
company have been warned several times for canceling the contract,
while these days the head of the district has already prepared the
official document to undertake such extreme act.
Der CIA Direktor Porter Goss, über die Verbindung Albanischer
Politiker zu den Islamischen Terroristen und der Organisierten
Europe's New Terror Profile and the State of Play in the Balkans
by Christopher Deliso
The latest revelations from European terror "experts" hardly come as
news for us in the Balkans – that is, the confluence between
terrorism and organized crime, and the increasingly fluid, almost
transient nature of their organizational structures.
First of all, relays the IHT:
"'We are seeing a terrorist threat that keeps changing,' Pierre de
Bousquet, the head of France's domestic intelligence service, said in
an interview in Paris. 'Often the groups are not homogenous, but a
variety of blends.
siehe über den Besuch des CIA Direktors in Albanien
reines Mafia Unterschlagungs GEschäft von Deutschen Politikern.
siehe frühere Beiträge über Berlin Wasser, das der Deutsche
STeuerzahler über dieses reine Mafia Projekt der Deutschen Regierung
die Europa Zentrale der Drogen Mafia in Kavaje und Golem mit einer
neuen Infrastruktur bezahlen sollte.
Das sind die wahren Geschäfte von Rot-Grün in Albanien.
• Tourists pack off because of water pollution
Durres- After many warnings, Durres District Office cancelled the
contract with the German company “Berlin Wasser”.The head of this
office undertook this extreme act as a result of irresponsible and
indifferent attitude of the officials of the German company, who
after some constraints undertaken by local organs, are following
their old habit of not supplying the inhabitants of the coastal city
of Durres, for which the Albanian state invested 20 million dollars
during these last years. Apart this fact, the continuous lack of
water supplying in Plash (beach) area resulted into a sensitive
diminishment of tourists’ flux. Although Plazh’s maintenance office
has done an appreciable preliminary job in the eve of tourist
session, like cleaning the sand from wracks and solid wastes, the
lack of water, spilling over of sewage into the sea, lack of public
water closets throughout the whole territory of Durres beach resulted
into the diminishment of tourist frequentation below the predicted
levels. The zone of Plazh still is suffering the lack of water
supplying and other infrastructure facilities even after the
investments from the state budget for the reconstruction of the road
from Ura e Dajlanit to Plepa, which cost 9 million euro and after
promises full of political rhetoric articulated during the electoral
campaign. The lack of water supplying came naturally after the
indolent job of the German company “Berlin Wasser”, which manages the
water system in the coastal city of Durres. In a recent meeting with
the head of Durres district, Genc Alizoti, the officials of this
company have been warned several times for canceling the contract,
while these days the head of the district has already prepared the
official document to undertake such extreme act.
Der CIA Direktor Porter Goss, über die Verbindung Albanischer
Politiker zu den Islamischen Terroristen und der Organisierten
Europe's New Terror Profile and the State of Play in the Balkans
by Christopher Deliso
The latest revelations from European terror "experts" hardly come as
news for us in the Balkans – that is, the confluence between
terrorism and organized crime, and the increasingly fluid, almost
transient nature of their organizational structures.
First of all, relays the IHT:
"'We are seeing a terrorist threat that keeps changing,' Pierre de
Bousquet, the head of France's domestic intelligence service, said in
an interview in Paris. 'Often the groups are not homogenous, but a
variety of blends.
siehe über den Besuch des CIA Direktors in Albanien