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Re: Danke! Das hört sich doch deutlich anders an

Nummer Eins schrieb am 26.08.2024 10:03:

Und wenn das dazu führen würde, dass Völker die nicht mehr unter Moskaus Fuchtel leben wollen sich von Russland abspalten wäre das auch ihr gutes Recht, wie es das Recht der Polen war.

Jeder, der sich mit der ukrainischen Geschichte ein wenig auskennt, muss bei einer solchen Aussage hellhörig werden, denn im Grunde genommen handelt es sich um die Wiederholung einer alten These des in Schytomy unter Aufsicht der Nazis gegeründeten CSN (Commity of Subjugated Nations) und dessen Nachfolger ABN (Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations).

Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN) was an international anti-communist organization founded as a coordinating center for anti-communist and nationalist émigré political organizations from Soviet and other socialist countries. The ABN formation dates back to a conference of representatives of non-Russian peoples that took place in November 1943, near Zhytomyr as the Committee of Subjugated Nations/the Anti-Bolshevik Front on the initiative of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists.[1] It dissolved in 1996.
Alfred Rosenberg, the Minister of the East, has come to identify Russia with the Soviet Union, and Russia in turn with Asia. In contrast to his hostility towards the "Asiatic" Russians, Rosenberg had great hopes of using the non-Russian peoples of the Soviet Union to raise new armies to replace the Wehrmacht's heavy losses on the Eastern Front. Rosenberg favored an approach he called "political warfare", under which Germany would support the independence of the non-Russian peoples to undermine the Soviet Union.

According to Stephen Dorril, the Zhytomyr conference of 21–22 November 1943 - where the ABN's forerunner, the Committee of Subjugated Nations (CSN), was established - was part of Rosenberg's "political warfare". Dorril and Mark Aarons argue that the post-war claim that the ABN had been founded as an anti-Nazi and anti-Communist group has no basis in reality as the CSN had been founded by Rosenberg's Ostministerium. At a time when the Red Army was steadily pushing the Wehrmacht back, part of the purpose behind the Anti-Bolshevik Front was to create a framework for waging guerrilla warfare against the Soviets in territories such as Galicia that the Germans expected to lose in the near future.

About the formation of the CSN in 1943, Bellant stated in a 2014 interview:

"The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists in 1943 under German sponsorship organized a multinational force to fight on behalf of the retreating German army. After the battle of Stalingrad in ’43, the Germans felt a heightened need to get more allies, and so the Romanian Iron Guard, the Hungarian Arrow Cross, the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, and others with military formations in place to assist came together and formed the united front called the Committee of Subjugated Nations, and again worked on behalf of the German military. In 1946, they renamed it the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations or ABN. Stetsko was the leader of that until he died in 1986.
I mention this in part because the OUN tries to say, well, during the war we fought the Germans and the Communists. The fact of the matter is that they were the leadership of this whole multinational alliance on behalf of the Germans the last two years of the war and in the war thereafter. All the postwar leaders of the unrepentant Nazi allies were under the leadership of Yaroslav Stetsko."

The OUN comprised the largest contingent in the ABN, and the majority of the OUN members came from Galicia. Given an organizational structure in Munich in 1946 sponsored by MI6, the ABN extended its range of activity and began to include Eastern European emigration from other countries apart from Ukraine. In its founding statement in April 1946, the ABN declared "Bolshevism is the criminal theory and practice of terroristic nonparty dictatorship which excluded even the slightest bit of freedom, democracy and nationality". The ABN declared the Soviet Union to be the "prison of nations", and announced that the break-up of the Soviet Union was its principal goal. As a part of its critique of the USSR, the ABN identified the Soviet Union with Russia, presenting Soviet policies as merely a continuum of the policies of Imperial Russia. Typical of this viewpoint was an ABN pamphlet which stated: "Aggressive and destructive Bolshevism merely exhibits a new, higher form of Russian imperialism, which grew across the centuries by conquering foreign lands and subjecting foreign peoples in Europe as well as in Asia". The ABN presented Russians as biologically different from the rest of humanity, portraying the Russians as having a genetic predisposition towards extreme violence and aggression.] The ABN argued that the peoples of Eastern Europe were white and thus had a "natural" love of freedom while the Russians were portrayed as having a "natural" inclination towards cruel despotism owing to an unfortunate infusion of Asian genes going back to the Mongol conquest of Russia in the 13th century. Because of what the ABN argued was this biological difference between the white peoples of Eastern Europe vs. the Russians whose Asian genes had deformed them, the ABN excluded Russia from the list of nations it wished to liberate. Throughout its existence, the ABN equated Russians and Communism as one and the same, engaging in propaganda that sought to "demonize" Russians as an utterly evil people for whom no redemption was possible.

Hier finden sich also zuhauf genau die gleichen Argumente, die auch in der aktuellen Diskussion immer wieder gebracht werden.

Den Einfluss des ABN auf die US-Außenpolitik sollte man nicht unterschätzen:

The American diplomat George F. Kennan came to deplore the ABN, complaining the group had an over-sized influence over Congress as most congressmen and senators were afraid of being labeled "soft on Communism", and charged that the ABN had a vested interest in inflaming Cold War tensions.[30] Kennan wrote that the ABN in the United States was a classic example of a domestic lobby taking over foreign policy to achieve its own ends, even if those goals were not necessarily in the broader interest of the United States.[30] During his time as the American ambassador to Yugoslavia, Kennan complained that his efforts to influence Marshal Josip Broz Tito to undertake a more pro-American foreign policy were being constantly undercut by the ABN, which successfully lobbied Congress to pass resolutions calling for the overthrow of Tito and for the break-up of Yugoslavia.

(Link siehe oben)

Bezüglich Polen:
Zur Zeit der Schytomyr Konferenz war Polen schon längst kein Teil Russlands mehr, da Polen schon 1918 unabhängig geworden war. Anzumerken sei noch, dass Polen zuvor von 1569 bis 1795 selbst imperialistisch war und Polen-Lithauen schuf.

Die beiden namensgebenden Länder, das Königreich Polen (polnisch meist einfach Korona bzw. die Krone genannt) und das Großfürstentum Litauen, wurden bereits 1386 in einer Personalunion zusammengeführt. Das Gebiet umfasste in seiner größten territorialen Ausdehnung um 1618 den größten Teil des Staatsgebietes des heutigen Polen, das heutige Litauen, Lettland und Belarus, große Teile der heutigen Ukraine sowie kleinere Teile des heutigen Russland, Estland, Rumänien und Moldawiens.

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