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Olli Heinonen, the former chief inspector of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said his department first saw the documentation that Netanyahu presented in 2005. The safeguards department that Heinonen ran came to the conclusion that the evidence of weapon design work known as the Amad project was credible, but that substantial work on the project ceased in 2003. Heinonen gave a classified briefing on Amad to the IAEA board in 2008.

After watching Netanyahu’s presentation, Heinonen said: “I just saw a lot of pictures I had seen before.”

“Some of the images that we saw I briefed to the board in closed session in February 2008,” Heinonen said. He added that the IAEA did not see the full archive of Amad documentation, which was provided by Israel and other states, but was given the most important evidence. The IAEA made public some of its evidence on Iran’s past nuclear weapons work in 2011. It found that some research work had continued after 2003, but found no evidence of such research activities after 2009.

Wenn Wahnsinnige anfangen "Beweise" zu präsentieren bekomme ich inzwischen ein mulmiges Gefühl. In diesem Fall prognostiziere ich 6 Monate bis die "Allianz" an der Grenze des Irans steht.

Das hat weder Hand noch Fuß ... ich habe nur meinen Urin befragt.


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