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  • Haroun

272 Beiträge seit 19.08.2020

Re: Würde sowas Russland machen …

Morgen komm ich dich holen schrieb am 08.05.2024 01:43:

Als kalifornisches Gewächs, müsstes du eig. wissen, daß es nicht die USA waren, sondern ein paar Senatoren, die sich hier zu Wort gemeldet haben...

Und Sie meinen die Biden-Administration hat eine andere Meinung bzgl. des IStGH und unterstützt eine unabhängige Untersuchung der Vorfälle durch ein Gericht?

Die Biden-Administration mag zwar nicht so rigoros Ihre Forderungen öffentlich formulieren wie einige der US-Politiker, aber sie teilen ihre Ansichten und intervenieren sicherlich im Hintergrund wie von Netanyahu gefordert.

“Since this president has come into office, we have worked to reset our relationship with the ICC, and we are in contact with the court on a range of issues, including in connection to the court’s important work on Darfur, on Ukraine, on Sudan, as well. But on this investigation, our position is clear: We continue to believe that the ICC does not have jurisdiction over the Palestinian situation.

On the other hand:

Biden: ICC’s war crimes case against Putin is ‘justified’

Weitere Quellen:

The White House expressed opposition to the ICC probe after House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., urged the Biden administration to challenge the reported arrest warrants in a statement Monday,

Where is Biden? Time to defend Israel from the ICC before it's too late - comment
Moreover, a Wall Street Journal editorial urged the US and the UK to intervene, noting that ICC Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan's candidacy was championed by Britain and supported by the US. It suggested that Biden's administration risks setting a dangerous precedent for prosecuting democracies defending themselves against terrorism if it continues its current course.

Ein Indiz, ob die Interventionen im Hintergrund erfolgreich sein werden, wird sein, wenn der seit einigen Tagen erwartete Haftbefehl des IStGH nicht ausgestellt wird.

Unwahrscheinlich ist die Invervention im Hintergrund nicht zumal die US-Regierung bereits 2021 ebenfalls Druck ausgeübt hat:

Biden officials privately pushed Abbas to shelve ICC probe against Israel...

Nonetheless, Biden officials have several times urged Abbas and other senior figures in the PA to renounce the ICC investigation, arguing that it exacerbates efforts to keep dimming prospects for a two-state solution alive and antagonizes Israel, the Middle Eastern diplomat said.

Abbas, for his part, has bucked the requests, maintaining that he has every right to pursue the probe and that it is one of the few avenues he has to peacefully confront Israel, the diplomat explained. Distancing himself from the ICC probe would also be a highly unpopular move among Palestinians for the PA president, who is already facing a severe legitimacy crisi

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