antiimp schrieb am 5. September 2009 16:47
> Adolf Hitler zu Beginn seines Überfalls auf Jugoslawien:
> "The German people can enter into this new struggle with the inner
> satisfaction that its leaders have done everything to bring about a
> peaceful settlement."
> "Members and officers of the German Embassy, employees of our
> consulates in Yugoslavia were daily being subjected to the most
> humiliating attacks. The German schools, exactly as in Poland, were
> laid in ruins by bandits. Innumerable German nationals were kidnaped
> and attacked by Yugoslavs and some even were killed."
Hitler hat auch Reden auf englisch gehalten?
Der Mann hatte ja Talente, die mir bisher völlig verborgen blieben.
> Adolf Hitler zu Beginn seines Überfalls auf Jugoslawien:
> "The German people can enter into this new struggle with the inner
> satisfaction that its leaders have done everything to bring about a
> peaceful settlement."
> "Members and officers of the German Embassy, employees of our
> consulates in Yugoslavia were daily being subjected to the most
> humiliating attacks. The German schools, exactly as in Poland, were
> laid in ruins by bandits. Innumerable German nationals were kidnaped
> and attacked by Yugoslavs and some even were killed."
Hitler hat auch Reden auf englisch gehalten?
Der Mann hatte ja Talente, die mir bisher völlig verborgen blieben.