anonym_agierender_soziopath schrieb am 03.01.2019 20:34:
Ich frage jetzt mal ganz dreist, was soll ich von einem Bürger und Wähler dieses Landes halten, der das Opfer einer Straftat geworden ist - Körperverletzung und/oder Eigentumsdelikt - bei der der Täter unbestreitbar einer dieser Refugees war und der bei der nächsten Wahl trotzem noch eine Partei wählt, die diesen "Migrationsirrsinn"
( staatlich organisierte Schlepperkriminalität muß ich des wohl nennen ) unterstützt halten?
Passiert schon seit jahren, also natürlich nicht in unseren Qualitätspropagandamedien, aber selbst CNN hats gemerkt:
gay men turning to the far right in Germany
"I went outside and saw someone kicking my partner's head. I was trying to stop him and right at that moment, I got hit from the side," Karsten recalls about the attack. "I kind of lost consciousness and when I got up again, I thought my partner was dead. He was all covered in blood and he didn't move at all."
Police identified the attackers as two locally known Muslim extremists. They were never arrested and later fled to Syria. After demanding answers from local prosecutors and the mayor's office and not getting a response, Karsten turned to Germany's far right party, the Alternative for Germany (AfD).
"I don't like everything they say," Karsten says, "but this is too dangerous for gay people to live openly here, if we get attacked like that. We need a party that's talking openly about this."