Neue Datenbehauptung: Natalia Vovk's Kasachstan Ausweis ("Yulia Zaiko") wäre dann Identitätsdiebstahl wie Dubai 2010
“The passport [of Natalia Vovk] is of course real and Kazakh numbers are real and all issued in December 2021 at the request of MI6. KNB under Masimov was a branch of MI5 and MI6 like the SBU is now in Ukraine.” — Image of the future
[Photo vom Pass, oben links auf kyrillisch wohl kasachstan (H am Ende ist n wie in Кино = Kino), blond auf Passfoto, evtl. Saiko Olija.. fast richtig, s.u., Anmerkung mh]
3:56 vorm. · 25. Aug. 2022·
The Kazakhstani passport, with which the alleged killer of Darya Dugina, Natalya Vovk, covered her tracks in Russia, turned out to be the document of a real person. Moreover, a resident of Kazakhstan, Yulia Zaiko, hardly realizes that her passport has become a “cover document”.