Die russische Armee begeht laufend Kriegsverbrechen, das haben sie schon früher bewiesen:
LA Times: 20,000 civilians k. by Soviet air raids, March 1979 in Herat
Sussman, “CIA Almost Sure of Afghan Massacre, Senator Says”, 4 March 1980 AP: 1,300 villagers in Konarha Province k. by Soviets & Afghan govt. "last year"
By Soviets in Kunduz (province in northern Afg.)
“Soviet Military In Unconfirmed Report Linked To Massacre Of 900 Civilians”, 27 March 1985 AP: 900 massacred
“Hundreds of Civilians Reportedly Killed by Soviets in Afghanistan”, 26 Feb. 1985 AP: 480 civilians massacred at Chahardara (town) ca. Feb. 2/3
Taliban POWs k. by Northern Alliance in Mazar-i-Sharif, May 1997
28 Nov.1998 NY Times: up to 2,000
26 Aug. 2002 Newsweek: 1,250
By Taliban in Mazar-e Sharif, Nov. 1998
13 Nov. 1998 News-India Times: 5,000-8,000 massacred
28 Nov.1998 Washington Post: 2,000-5,000 ethnic Hazara civilians k.
Harff & Gurr: 1,000,000 old regime loyalists, rebel supporters were victims of revolutionary politicide.
Soviets vs. Mujahideen vs. Govt. vs. Taliban [estimates listed chronologically]
War Annual 6 (1994): 1,000,000
Britannica Annual (1994): 1,500,000
Wallechinsky (1995): 1,300,000
D.Smith (1995): 1,500,000
B&J (1997): 1,500,000 (1979-95)
Dictionary of 20C World History (1997): 1M
CDI: 1,550,000 (1978-97)
29 April 1999 AP: 2,000,000
Dict.Wars: >2M
23 May 1999 Denver Rocky Mtn News: 1,800,000
Ploughshares 2000: 1,500,000
[MEDIAN of latest five: 1,800,000]Partials
Soviet Phase and immediate aftermath only
Isby, War in a Distant Country: Afghanistan (1989): Civilian deaths:
1986 voluntary aid study: 600,000
1987 USAID study: 875,000
1987 Gallup study: 1,200,000
2 June 2002 LA Times: 670,000 civilians during 10-year Soviet occupation
Toronto Star (6 May 1991): more than 1,000,000
SIPRI 1990: 1,000,000 total dead (the 1988 Yearbook estimated 100-150T battle dead)
Minneapolis Star-Tribune (14 Sept. 1991): 1,500,000
FAS 2000: 1-2M Afghans (1979-89)
USA Today (17 Apr. 1992): more than 2 million.
[MEDIAN: 1.5M]
20 Sept 2001 Christian Science Monitor: 400,000 civilian deaths in the 1990s http://www.csmonitor.com/2001/0920/p1s3-wosc.html
Factional fighting in Kabul, 1992-96
30 Dec. 2001 AP: 50,000
2 June 2002 LA Times: >50,000 acc2 Red Crosshttp://necrometrics.com/20c1m.htm#Afghanistan
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