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OSZE Bericht

excnnp schrieb am 25.04.2022 10:41:

Lass die Moral weg. wenn du da ein Bedürfnis hast, schau MSM.
14000 Tote (überwiegend Russen) seit 2014 im Donbass hätte Putin verhindern können, wenn er sofort eingegriffen hätte. Lies die OSZE Berichte. War Putin egal oder doch nicht so wichtig. Syrien, geht nicht um Menschen, es geht um Interessen, von wem auch immer. Da werden schon mal Babys aus Brutkästen an den IS verfüttert oder so. Und du bist dann empört.

Hier gibt es einen sehr Interessanten Bericht der OSZE zur Menschenrechtslage der Ukraine 2016. Das ließt sich wie einer über Somalia.

The prisoners were electrocuted, beaten cruelly and for multiple
days in a row with different objects (iron bars, baseball bats, sticks, rifle
butts, bayonet knives, rubber batons).
Techniques widely used by the Ukrainian armed forces and security
forces include waterboarding, strangling with a ‘Banderist garrotte’ and
other types of strangling.
In some cases prisoners, for the purposes of intimidation, were sent
to minefields and run over with military vehicles, which led to their
Other torture methods used by the Ukrainian armed forces and
security forces include bone-crashing, stabbing and cutting with a knife,
branding with red-hot objects, shooting different body parts with small
The prisoners taken captive by the Ukrainian armed forces and
security forces are kept for days at freezing temperatures, with no access
to food or medical assistance, and are often forced to take psychotropic
substances that cause agony.
An absolute majority of prisoners are put through mock firing
squads and suffer death and rape threats to their families.

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