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Den NATO-Kriegsverbrechern reichen 8 Jahre Krieg noch nicht

Worum es den NATO-Kriegsverbrechern bei ihrem völkerrechtswidrigen Angriffskrieg geht, geben diese u.a. in ihren Strategiepapieren offen zu.

"The U.S. is, by definition, waging a proxy war against Russia, using Ukrainians as their instrument, with the goal of not ending the war but prolonging it. So obvious is this fact about U.S. objectives that even The New York Times last Sunday explicitly reported that the the Biden administration “seeks to help Ukraine lock Russia in a quagmire” (albeit with care not to escalate into a nuclear exchange). Indeed, even “some American officials assert that as a matter of international law, the provision of weaponry and intelligence to the Ukrainian Army has made the United States a cobelligerent,” though this is “an argument that some legal experts dispute.” Surveying all this evidence as well as discussions with his own U.S. and British sources, Niall Ferguson, writing in Bloomberg, proclaimed: “I conclude that the U.S. intends to keep this war going.” UK officials similarly told him that “the U.K.’s No. 1 option is for the conflict to be extended and thereby bleed Putin.”"

Kissinger: "It means that breaking Russia has become an objective"

Merkel: "Ich bin hundert Prozent überzeugt, dass wir mit unseren Prinzipien siegen werden."

"Expansiver Ehrgeiz"

Zelensky-Berater 2019: "our price for joining NATO is a big war with Russia"

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