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943 Beiträge seit 04.01.2004

China benannte seine Gründe für die Nichtteilahme dehr deutlich:

CCTV: The Chinese side said publicly last week that it will not attend the Summit on Peace in Ukraine organized by Switzerland. Does this mean China does not support Switzerland and Ukraine in holding this summit? Some believe that not attending the summit means not supporting peace and standing on the side of Russia in opposition to Ukraine. What is China’s comment on this?

Mao Ning: China believes that all efforts that are conducive to the peaceful settlement of the crisis should be supported. We have attached great importance to Switzerland’s organizing the Summit on Peace in Ukraine from the very beginning and have been in close communication with Switzerland, Ukraine and other relevant parties on this. China has repeatedly stressed that the international peace conference needs to meet the three important elements, namely, recognition from both Russia and Ukraine, equal participation of all parties, and fair discussion of all peace plans. As far as China is concerned, the meeting does not yet seem to meet these three elements and that is exactly why China would not be able to take part in the meeting. Let me stress that China’s position on the peace conference is fair and just. Our position does not target any party and certainly not this particular summit. China’s decision on participation is purely based on our assessment of the meeting itself, and we believe relevant parties can understand our position.

Mao Ning ist die Sprecherin des chinesischen Außenministeriums. Die von ihr benannten drei Gründe fanden wenig Widerhall in der transatlantischen Berichterstattung.

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