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  • Stoneburner

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Re: Das ist kompletter Unfug

Splash42 schrieb am 29.02.2024 13:03:

Das WEISST du oder spekulierst du? Die müssen natürlich alles nach EU-Normen produzieren, was in die EU geht, aber wo stand bitte, dass die mit Russland keinen Handel treiben und dann gezielt für diesen Markt produzieren dürfen? Ich glaube, da hast du was falsch verstanden.

Es gab ein Freihandelsabkommen mit Russland (und anderen Ländern), von dem der Osten der Ukraine relativ abhängig waren weil sie eben Industrieprodukte verkauft haben und keinen Zoll zahlen mussten.

Das waren die Bedingungen der EU:

BRUSSELS — Leaders of the European Union had a blunt message Monday for the president of Ukraine: Choose between a customs union with Russia and a free-trade agreement with us. You can't have both.

“One country cannot at the same time be a member of a customs union and be in a deep common free-trade area with the European Union,” said Jose Manuel Barroso, president of the European Commission, the EU’s executive arm. “This is not possible.”

But that appeared to be what Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych is hoping to achieve. Ukraine, he said, is in negotiations with Russia to “find the right model” for cooperation with the customs union. And he said, as well, that Ukraine’s pro-EU course had been set by law and could not now be changed.

Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus are members of a Customs Union that envisages closer economic integration, in a manner similar to the European Union, with free movement of goods. That would make a free-trade agreement between the EU and Ukraine in effect a free-trade agreement with those other countries as well.

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