Bei der WTO wird seit einem halben Jahr darüber diskutiert, die Patente auf Impfstoffe und Medikamente vorübergehend aufzuheben, bis die Pandemie unter Kontrolle ist.
Aus einem Aufruf von Ärzte ohne Grenzen (mit einer schönen Karte):
»The temporary waiver would apply to certain IP on COVID-19 medical tools and technologies until herd immunity is reached. It was originally proposed by India and South Africa in October 2020, and is now officially backed by 58 sponsoring governments, with around 100 countries supporting the proposal overall. […]
Despite the clear public health benefits that the monopoly waiver proposal offers, a small group of nations is rigorously hindering the start of formal negotiations at the WTO. At the same time, many of the countries blocking or delaying the proposal, including the Australia, Brazil, Canada, the EU, Japan, Norway, Switzerland, the UK and the US, have also secured the majority of available vaccines, much more than needed to vaccinate their entire populations.«
Eine lesenswerte Analyse dazu:
»Members of the U.S. foreign policy establishment routinely fret about growing Chinese influence in Latin America, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Yet when given the chance to show a minimum level of interest in saving the lives of people there, this same crowd quietly rejects it. There is an imperative, an existential demand, that the United States maintain its “global leadership” — but not at the expense of lower profits for Pfizer and Moderna.«
Das "Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft" hat interessante Sponsoren – von Open Society bis Koch Foundation.
gruss. luky