"[Corona] should be seen as a war situation and should be handled by trained and reliable professionals who are not affected by ratings and who have led real military operations. [...] Such people will be able to maintain order and explain the decisions made to the public."
Der lettische Justizminister Jānis Bordāns (JKP) fordert eine Machtübergabe an das Militär (the Minister of Justice Jānis Bordāns (JKP) in the Crisis Management Council (KVP) has encouraged the transfer of Covid-19 crisis management to experts from the armed forces.)
Quelle: Google-Übersetzung von https://nra.lv/politika/360921-bordans-no-sis-krizes-elementari-vareja-izvairities.htm
Lettland hat gerade einen scharfen Lockdown verhängt, im wesentlichen dieselben Einschränkungen wie im letzten Winter. Mit Ausgangssperren von 20.00 - 5.00.