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Auch HIV positive leiden unter den Maßnahmen

Hier mal ein sehr bezeichnender Absatz aus einer Studie die sich mit dem Thema befasst:

1.1 General impact of COVID-19 on patients with HIV

The COVID-19 pandemic, as well as measures taken by governments across the world, to minimize its spread has triggered unintended consequences in terms of HIV testing and care.16 The Euroguidelines in Central and Eastern Europe Network Group recently found that 60% of HIV physicians simultaneously are involved in work related to patients with COVID-19. In the worst scenarios, they abandon their original duties entirely and engage fully in COVID-19 cases.17 Moreover, to compensate for the increasing numbers of recorded cases (patients), HIV treatment facilities have been designated as COVID 19 care centers. According to Kowalska and coworkers, about 70% of HIV treatment facilities in central and Eastern Europe were not functioning due to COVID-19.17 This together with the fear of contracting COVID-19 have kept many patient with HIV from accessing their usual ART. The Lancet HIV recently reported that HIV patients in Egypt are petrified to go for their ART refills because the only HIV treatment Center, have been converted to COVID-19 quarantine and treatment facility.18 In the Hubei province of China, about 64.15% of HIV patients could not have access to their ART due to the measures imitated to curb the spread of the virus.19 As Gokengin et al reported, antiretrovirals are purchased and distributed via designated clinics 20 thus, patients living outside the perimeter could not have access to their ART. The situation is further aggravated by shortage of medication as medical consignments are stuck in procurement systems in other countries with no further supplies able to come in.21 The pandemic has as well compromised the psychological and emotional wellbeing of PLWH. Shiau et al22 reported that many HIV patient being managed via telephone have indicated that they are extremely stressed, anxious, and unable to sleep. A recent survey in China,19 revealed that 28.93% of the respondents hoped they had some social and psychological support. Therefore, these psychosocial issues have to be addressed to avoid exacerbating adverse medical consequence among PLWH.22

Diese Menschen leiden also grade zusätzlich, weil man Ihre Behandlungs-Zentren schließt und sie zusätzlich durch die Isolation schon psychische Probleme bekommen (Wie viele andere nicht HIV positive auch)

Mfg Makrovir

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