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  • venice12

mehr als 1000 Beiträge seit 20.09.2015

"UK ministers were warned last year of risks of coronavirus pandemic "

"Ministers were warned last year the UK must have a robust plan to deal with a pandemic virus and its potentially catastrophic social and economic consequences in a confidential Cabinet Office briefing leaked to the Guardian.

The detailed document warned that even a mild pandemic could cost tens of thousands of lives, and set out the must-have “capability requirements” to mitigate the risks to the country, as well as the potential damage of not doing so.

It comes as the UK’s hospital death toll from coronavirus heads towards 20,000. Less than a month ago, the medical director at NHS England, Prof Stephen Powis, said the country would “have done very well” to stay below this grim milestone.

Marked “official, sensitive”, the 2019 National Security Risk Assessment (NSRA) was signed off by Sir Patrick Vallance, the government’s chief scientific adviser, as well as a senior national security adviser to the prime minister whom the Guardian has been asked not to name."

Das ist ja fast wie bei den Terroranschlägen. Kaum kommt eine Vorwarnung oder man macht eine Übung, schon schlägt das Schicksal zu. Die USA wurden doch auch vorgewarnt von ihren Geheimdiensten.

Und dann sind aber alle überrascht und nicht vorbereitet und klauen sich gegenseitig die Hilfsgüter. Merkwürdig.

Das Posting wurde vom Benutzer editiert (24.04.2020 22:08).

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