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  • ErnaP

44 Beiträge seit 26.04.2023

Re: Phizer Phase3 clinical trial after 6 month

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dann auf "Supplementary Materials" unter NEJMoa2034577_appendix.pdf findest du die Daten.

Hier in nicht Tabellarischer Form. Der zuerst genannte Wert entsprich den Geimpften (BNT162b2 Pfizer) der zweite gehört zur Placebo Gruppe

BNT162b2 (30 μg)
Adverse Event nb (%) nb (%)
Any event 5770 (26.7) 2638 (12.2)
Relatedc 4484 (20.7) 1095 (5.1)
Severe 240 (1.1) 139 (0.6)
Life-threatening 21 (0.1) 24 (0.1)
Any serious adverse event 126 (0.6) 111 (0.5)
Relatedc 4 (0.0) 0
Severe 71 (0.3) 68 (0.3)
Life-threatening 21 (0.1) 23 (0.1)
Any adverse event leading to withdrawal 37 (0.2) 30 (0.1)
Relatedc 16 (0.1) 9 (0.0)
Severe 13 (0.1) 9 (0.0)
Life-threatening 3 (0.0) 6 (0.0)
Death 2 (0.0) 4 (0.0)
Table S3 | Participants Reporting at Least 1 Adverse Event from Dose 1 (All Enrolled
Participants). The ‘all enrolled’ population included all participants who received at least 1 dose
of vaccine irrespective of follow-up time. a. N = number of participants in the specified group.
This value is the denominator for the percentage calculations. b. n = Number of participants
reporting at least 1 occurrence of the specified event category. For ‘any event’, n = the number of
participants reporting at least 1 occurrence of any event. c. Assessed by the investigator as
related to investigational product

Falls du weiterhin Probleme haben solltest wissenschaftliche Daten auszuwerten sag Bescheid. Ich mach das beruflich.


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