"The credibility of US moral leadership is also deeply hampered by its own recent history and the breakdown of societal norms and values, exacerbated by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, which have exposed deep political, social, economic and racial divisions. These divisions have exposed fundamental weaknesses in US society that undermine Biden's desire for the US to assume the role of global moral exemplar. The world no longer accepts the notion of US moral authority at face value. Russia has mocked it, while China has made it clear the US no longer can treat it like an inferior when it comes to defining global standards of what is right and wrong. Biden would like to believe that in a debate about the relative merits of democracy versus autocracy, the US example would help tip the balance in favor of the democracy. This may not, in fact, be the case."
Und wenn man diese Realität anschaut
und sie mit diesem Anspruch vergleicht.
"America won’t back away from our commitment to human rights and fundamental freedoms.
No responsible American president can remain silent when basic human rights are violated."
kann man sich nur mit Grausen abwenden. Natürlich nur, wenn man seine 3 Gehirnzellen noch beisammen hat.