"Die westlichen G-7-Partner und Japan machen aus ihrem Ansinnen keinen Hehl, Indien zum Gegenpol zu China aufzubauen."
Und GB zeigt schon mal seine Wertschätzung für die ehemalige Kolonie auf seine Art:
"...more than 6,500 new jobs will be created around the UK thanks to £1bn of new UK-India trade and investment announced by the Prime Minister today (Tuesday 4 May 2021).
The package contains over £533m of new Indian investment into the UK, which is expected to create more than 6,000 jobs in vital and growing sectors such as health and technology."
Und zu den Hintergründen
"....what the UK is getting out of the SII (Serum Institute of India) is what India is losing. And the responsibility of the Indian state ought to have been to dictate where the SII’s vaccine doses should go.
Boris Johnson is consistent: Brits shall help themselves first. He is ditto like Joe Biden. Both say they are willing to help others but only after their needs are met.
Johnson plays hard ball.
... “The reason we have the vaccine success is because of capitalism, because of greed, my friends,” Johnson said"
'nough said.