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  • luky

mehr als 1000 Beiträge seit 06.11.2000


Diese Symbiose zwischen Journalismus und Eliten haben ja andere auch schon entdeckt.

Chomsky und Herman schrieben 1988 in "Manufacturing Consent" zum Thema Zugang(Access):

The mass media are drawn into a symbiotic relationship with powerful sources of information by economic necessity and reciprocity of interest. The media need a steady, reliable flow of the raw material of news. They have daily news demands and imperative news schedules that they must meet. They cannot afford to have reporters and cameras at all places where important stories may break. Economics dictates that they concentrate their resources where significant news often occurs, where important rumors and leaks abound, and where regular press conferences are held. […]

Because of their services, continuous contact on the beat, and mutual dependency, the powerful can use personal relationships, threats, and rewards to further influence and coerce the media. The media may feel obligated to carry extremely dubious stories and mute criticism in order not to offend their sources and disturb a close relationship. It is very difficult to call authorities on whom one depends for daily news liars, even if they tell whoppers. Critical sources may be avoided not only because of their lesser availability and higher cost of establishing credibility, but also because the primary sources may be offended and may even threaten the media using them.

Ganz allgemein finde ich es zwar wichtig, dass man erkennt, dass es sich um ein systemisches Problem handelt. Aber die konkrete Berichterstattung wird dadurch nicht besser.

Medienkritik wäre dringend nötig – die Berichterstattung zum Jemen, dem Iran, zu Syrien, Kuba, Venezuela, Hongkong, Russland usw. ist schlichtweg katastrophal und eine Besserung scheint nicht in Sicht.

gruss. luky

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