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mehr als 1000 Beiträge seit 03.06.2003

Re: Human Rights Watch spricht übrigens von 489 bis 528 zivilen Opfern...

jd_73 schrieb am 19.03.2022 11:45:

Also, wenn ich das richtig interpretiere, geht es in dem Bericht vor allem um kosovarische Flüchtlinge, die bei NATO-Angriffen getötet wurden.

Das lese ich da nicht raus. Bombenopfer in Belgrad und anderswo werden dort ebenso aufgeführt wie Tote bei Angriffen auf Flüchtlingstreks.

"A third of all of the incidents in which civilians died-thirty-three-occurred as a result of attacks on targets in populated urban areas. Six incidents occurred in Belgrade, Nis, and Vranje (the latter two are towns in southern Serbia). Eight towns had two or three incidents each involving civilian deaths: Aleksinac, Cacak, Novi Sad, Surdulica, and Valjevo in Serbia and Vojvodina, and Djakovica, Pristina, and Prizren in Kosovo. The targets in almost all of these attacks were headquarters or military/police barracks and facilities, and/or factories. In these cases there was little doubt as to the apparent objective of the attack, or that these locations constituted lawful military objectives."

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