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91 Beiträge seit 13.10.2017

a trust less publishing platform

# a trust less publishing platform

In the times of fake news and censorship on several levels we need to change the architecture how facts are generated and reported on. A truthfully democratic society need a publishing platform which provide the following basic functionalists:

* immutable
* open
* border less
* neutral
* censorship resident
* free to participate/permission-less
* reliable

not by accident this sounds a lot like the main principals Andreas M. Antonopoulos is talking about, this makes sense when applying the principal that money is a language in which we describe value to each other, a form of speak.

As the scope here is a publishing platform for society we would need also the principal of

* proof of identity

which should introduce the factor "reliability" to the platform as it gives the possibility to relate a fact to its originator for sure.

We can distinguish two basic roles:

* fact consumer
* fact creator

## the fact consumer

In society everyone is a fact consumer, We need these facts to build our opinion which then will guide our decisions in reality. For our modern society this is a very crucial part, in market theories as also in the the state theory we need an informed subject.

## the fact creator

The fact creator is someone, a person or an institution which by behaving creates a statement. With this definition, every one can be a fact producer, and most are indeed but may lack relevance, just to say it.

## fact

As a fact we could define the following:

A creator has stated a message.

The fact can not be about the message, as we can not proof the message itself, it is even questionable if it is doable in principal, at least for formal systems we have prove this is not the case( goedel ).
So a reliable fact can be only **who** has created **when** a **message**.

A fact need some basic other criteria for us to have an equally meaning to what we call a fact about reality,

* immutable
* discrete
* defined in time and origin

Immutability refers to our understanding that the past can't be changed, we ignore the delayed quantum choice problematic here.
Discreteness mean that a fact is only the fact and nothing more. It is atomic and defined in meaning.
A fact happens in time, to be real, and needs an origin where it happened. As the space of the IT infrastructure is only one dimensional, the address space, in this case a fact has a timestamp and an address, which we will call an identity.

With this definition of fact, and the simple definition that reality is the collections of facts to a given time, this reassembles the "Logical positivism" position about reality but it narrows it further down as the message it self is not part of the fact. The fact is simply the creation of the message by an identity.

This seem the smallest provable schema by we could define a global, reliable reality which we all share together.

## IFC proposal

This proposal describes a p2p network of identity fact channels IFC. An IFC is created on an distributed p2p network like IPFS it is linked to a private key served as identity, and each entry, a fact, is pegged to an global immutable p2p ledger like bitcoin.

A fact(m) is produced in the following way:

m -> hash(m)->store(hash(m))->proof(store(hash(m)))->sign(proof(store(hash(m))))

The message get hashed, stored in a ledger, the proof of this get signed by the identity.

m : message
proof(store(hash(m))) : proof of the link in ledger
sign(proof(store(hash(m)))) : signature for the proof from identity

publicKey : the public key of this identity
fact[n] : list of facts

Each fact get immutable when it hash get stored in an immutable ledger, an example would be openTimpeStamp, this also defines the time dimension of the fact. Lets call this process fixation.
When the identity signs the proof of the fixation it ties this proof to itself.

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