GrophieVentilator schrieb am 31. Januar 2008 17:55
> im Irak müssen natürlich andere Faktoren berücksichtigt werden, so
> können sich die Vereinigten Staaten keine grausame Kriegsführung erlauben
Ich verstehe die nicht böse gemeinte Intention Deiner Aussage,
trotzdem ist sie falsch. Ich weiß nicht, ob Du die Meldungen glaubst,
die in "unseren" Massenmedien über den Irak verbreitet werden. Wenn
man dies tut, könnte man das glauben, was Du sagst.
In der Realität führen die US-Streitkräfte und ihre Helfershelfer
einen Krieg gegen die irakische Bevölkerung, der ausgesprochen
grausam und rücksichtslos ist. Du musst Dir nur die Berichte der
Opfer des US-Überfalls auf die Iraker durchlesen:
"Over time, after brutal U.S. military operations against cities like
Najaf, Fallujah, Al-Qa'im, Samarra, and Ramadi, after Abu Ghraib,
after Haditha, after the near-total collapse of their country's
infrastructure and the shredding of its social fabric, I began to
witness occupation-weary Iraqis ceasing to draw that same critical
Recently, a resident of Baquba (who asked not to be identified by
name for fear of retribution for talking to the media), told my Iraqi
colleague Ahmed Ali, "The lack of security is a direct result of the
occupation. The Americans crossed thousands of miles to destroy our
home and kill our men. They are the reason for all our disasters."
Abu Tariq, a merchant from Baquba, believes the U.S. military
intentionally destroyed Iraq's infrastructure. He told Ali,
"The Americans destroyed the electricity, water-pumping stations,
factories, bridges, highways, hospitals, schools, burnt the
buildings, and opened the borders for the strangers and terrorists to
get easily into the country. The one who does all these things is
void of humanity. I hate America and Americans."
Abu Taiseer, another resident of Baquba, summed up Iraqi bitterness
this way:
"At the very beginning of the occupation, the people of Iraq did not
realize the U.S. strategy in the area. Their strategy is based on
destruction and massacres. They do anything to have their agenda
fulfilled. Now, Iraqis know that behind the U.S. smile is hatred and
violence. They call others violent and terrorists while what they are
doing in Iraq and in other countries is the origin and essence of
Jalal al-Taee, a retired teacher, told Ali what more Iraqis than ever
likely believe:
"In Baquba, people have severe hatred towards the Americans and a
large number of residents have become enemies of the U.S. army. The
people of Diyala province have been oppressed and treated unjustly by
the U.S. army and the [Baghdad] government. In order to improve the
situation, the U.S. army should let the people of this city rule it
by themselves.""
> im Irak müssen natürlich andere Faktoren berücksichtigt werden, so
> können sich die Vereinigten Staaten keine grausame Kriegsführung erlauben
Ich verstehe die nicht böse gemeinte Intention Deiner Aussage,
trotzdem ist sie falsch. Ich weiß nicht, ob Du die Meldungen glaubst,
die in "unseren" Massenmedien über den Irak verbreitet werden. Wenn
man dies tut, könnte man das glauben, was Du sagst.
In der Realität führen die US-Streitkräfte und ihre Helfershelfer
einen Krieg gegen die irakische Bevölkerung, der ausgesprochen
grausam und rücksichtslos ist. Du musst Dir nur die Berichte der
Opfer des US-Überfalls auf die Iraker durchlesen:
"Over time, after brutal U.S. military operations against cities like
Najaf, Fallujah, Al-Qa'im, Samarra, and Ramadi, after Abu Ghraib,
after Haditha, after the near-total collapse of their country's
infrastructure and the shredding of its social fabric, I began to
witness occupation-weary Iraqis ceasing to draw that same critical
Recently, a resident of Baquba (who asked not to be identified by
name for fear of retribution for talking to the media), told my Iraqi
colleague Ahmed Ali, "The lack of security is a direct result of the
occupation. The Americans crossed thousands of miles to destroy our
home and kill our men. They are the reason for all our disasters."
Abu Tariq, a merchant from Baquba, believes the U.S. military
intentionally destroyed Iraq's infrastructure. He told Ali,
"The Americans destroyed the electricity, water-pumping stations,
factories, bridges, highways, hospitals, schools, burnt the
buildings, and opened the borders for the strangers and terrorists to
get easily into the country. The one who does all these things is
void of humanity. I hate America and Americans."
Abu Taiseer, another resident of Baquba, summed up Iraqi bitterness
this way:
"At the very beginning of the occupation, the people of Iraq did not
realize the U.S. strategy in the area. Their strategy is based on
destruction and massacres. They do anything to have their agenda
fulfilled. Now, Iraqis know that behind the U.S. smile is hatred and
violence. They call others violent and terrorists while what they are
doing in Iraq and in other countries is the origin and essence of
Jalal al-Taee, a retired teacher, told Ali what more Iraqis than ever
likely believe:
"In Baquba, people have severe hatred towards the Americans and a
large number of residents have become enemies of the U.S. army. The
people of Diyala province have been oppressed and treated unjustly by
the U.S. army and the [Baghdad] government. In order to improve the
situation, the U.S. army should let the people of this city rule it
by themselves.""