1.) Sturz der Saddamstatue höchstwahrscheinlich nur inszeniert, was
dagegen sicher ist: Es befanden sich zum Zeitpunkt nur knapp 50-100
Iraker auf dem Platz, außerdem wird vermutet, daß es sich bei diesen
Personen teilweise um
eingeflogene Exiliraker handelt:
"Bei www.whatreallyhappened.com findet man Belege dafür, dass
(a) Exil-Iraker, die am Wochenende von US-Truppen in den Irak
eingeflogen und dort beschützt wurden, gestern mit am
medienwirksamsten die US-Truppen um- und den Statuensturz
(b) aber durch eine Weitwinkelaufnahme klar wird, wie wenige
"Zuschauer" beim Statuensturz nur anwesend waren und "jubelten"!
Fazit: Es war eine propagandistisch-mediale Inszenierung größten
und dazu auch den folgenden Telepolis-Thread
2.) Es gab bis jetzt wesentlich mehr tote US-Soldaten, als offiziell
zugeben wird:
TEHRAN, Apr 11 (Online): Hundreds of dead bodies of US troops have
been shifted from Iraq to Kuwait under tight security. However, the
Pentagon has claimed that so far less than 140 British and US troops
have died in the war, reported Radio Tehran.
Radio reported that about 800 bodies of US troops have been shifted
in Kuwait under tight security, while more were to be expected later
this week.
Iraq officials have had been releasing reports about hundreds of
casualties on American sides which Pentagon officials were calling
false and war propaganda.
A similar story has been published about 500 dead bodies of US
Soldiers at US Jacobabad Airbase in Pakistan, who died in the war of
Afghanistan. "
"ISLAMABAD, March 26 (Online): Around 500 dead bodies of American and
British soldiers killed during military operation in Afghanistan
after September 11 blitz have been lying in a morgue at Shebhaz
Airbase in Jacobabad.
American and British authorities because of fear of strong reaction
from their masses had kept the dead bodies of as many as 500 soldiers
in a morgue established at Jacobabad Airbase instead of shifting them
to their own countries, credible sources informed Online here
The bodies of these soldiers, who were killed during last five months
in Afghanistan, were brought from Baghram Airbase and other areas of
war-ravaged country, sources disclosed.
Sources said American and British authorities, which were planning to
shift these dead bodies from their own countries, delayed the
decision after eruption of war in Iraq.
American and British authorities feared that shifting of dead bodies
at this moment would affect the ongoing campaign of coalition forces
in Iraq, sources pointed out.
They maintained that dead bodies would be kept at Shebhaz Airbase
until US and British authorities take the final decision.
Sources revealed that security had tightened in and around the
Airbase to keep this matter secret. .."
Man muß sich das mal vorstellen! Dementsprechend wurden vermutlich um
die 1000
(im Irak allein ) Koalitionssoldaten getötet, denn man kann ja davon
ausgehen, daß nicht die Leichen von allen entdeckt wurden oder
überhaupt noch zu bergen waren..
Hat jemand einen Link zu Namenslisten von Gefallenen?
und weiter
has the biggest US military hospital in Europe. I think it's at the
Rammstein base (?). German TV has shown scenes with arriving planes
unloading injured (and dead?) US soldiers.
There was also an unidentified German source with access to the base
that came up with a number of about 500 KIA (which was similar to the
Russian intelligence bodycount).
But we'll probably never know..."
3.) Um Himmels Willen, bezeichnet die USA doch nicht immer als
Treffender wäre wohl der Begriff "Plutokratie" oder "Oligarchie",
letztlich kam hier auf Heise ein schöner Artikel zu den
Kongresswahlen im Herbst 2002:
zu den "berüchtigten" voting machines
was eine Demokratie ausmacht, sind eben nicht nur wahlen , sondern
vorallem auch die Gewaltenteilung und die Verfassungstreue und diese
ist weder in den "befreiten" Ländern(Afghanistan usw.) noch in den
USA selbst gegeben...
dagegen sicher ist: Es befanden sich zum Zeitpunkt nur knapp 50-100
Iraker auf dem Platz, außerdem wird vermutet, daß es sich bei diesen
Personen teilweise um
eingeflogene Exiliraker handelt:
"Bei www.whatreallyhappened.com findet man Belege dafür, dass
(a) Exil-Iraker, die am Wochenende von US-Truppen in den Irak
eingeflogen und dort beschützt wurden, gestern mit am
medienwirksamsten die US-Truppen um- und den Statuensturz
(b) aber durch eine Weitwinkelaufnahme klar wird, wie wenige
"Zuschauer" beim Statuensturz nur anwesend waren und "jubelten"!
Fazit: Es war eine propagandistisch-mediale Inszenierung größten
und dazu auch den folgenden Telepolis-Thread
2.) Es gab bis jetzt wesentlich mehr tote US-Soldaten, als offiziell
zugeben wird:
TEHRAN, Apr 11 (Online): Hundreds of dead bodies of US troops have
been shifted from Iraq to Kuwait under tight security. However, the
Pentagon has claimed that so far less than 140 British and US troops
have died in the war, reported Radio Tehran.
Radio reported that about 800 bodies of US troops have been shifted
in Kuwait under tight security, while more were to be expected later
this week.
Iraq officials have had been releasing reports about hundreds of
casualties on American sides which Pentagon officials were calling
false and war propaganda.
A similar story has been published about 500 dead bodies of US
Soldiers at US Jacobabad Airbase in Pakistan, who died in the war of
Afghanistan. "
"ISLAMABAD, March 26 (Online): Around 500 dead bodies of American and
British soldiers killed during military operation in Afghanistan
after September 11 blitz have been lying in a morgue at Shebhaz
Airbase in Jacobabad.
American and British authorities because of fear of strong reaction
from their masses had kept the dead bodies of as many as 500 soldiers
in a morgue established at Jacobabad Airbase instead of shifting them
to their own countries, credible sources informed Online here
The bodies of these soldiers, who were killed during last five months
in Afghanistan, were brought from Baghram Airbase and other areas of
war-ravaged country, sources disclosed.
Sources said American and British authorities, which were planning to
shift these dead bodies from their own countries, delayed the
decision after eruption of war in Iraq.
American and British authorities feared that shifting of dead bodies
at this moment would affect the ongoing campaign of coalition forces
in Iraq, sources pointed out.
They maintained that dead bodies would be kept at Shebhaz Airbase
until US and British authorities take the final decision.
Sources revealed that security had tightened in and around the
Airbase to keep this matter secret. .."
Man muß sich das mal vorstellen! Dementsprechend wurden vermutlich um
die 1000
(im Irak allein ) Koalitionssoldaten getötet, denn man kann ja davon
ausgehen, daß nicht die Leichen von allen entdeckt wurden oder
überhaupt noch zu bergen waren..
Hat jemand einen Link zu Namenslisten von Gefallenen?
und weiter
has the biggest US military hospital in Europe. I think it's at the
Rammstein base (?). German TV has shown scenes with arriving planes
unloading injured (and dead?) US soldiers.
There was also an unidentified German source with access to the base
that came up with a number of about 500 KIA (which was similar to the
Russian intelligence bodycount).
But we'll probably never know..."
3.) Um Himmels Willen, bezeichnet die USA doch nicht immer als
Treffender wäre wohl der Begriff "Plutokratie" oder "Oligarchie",
letztlich kam hier auf Heise ein schöner Artikel zu den
Kongresswahlen im Herbst 2002:
zu den "berüchtigten" voting machines
was eine Demokratie ausmacht, sind eben nicht nur wahlen , sondern
vorallem auch die Gewaltenteilung und die Verfassungstreue und diese
ist weder in den "befreiten" Ländern(Afghanistan usw.) noch in den
USA selbst gegeben...