Selbst in Europa siehe Kosovo, Albanien, Mazedonien, Kroatien werden
von den Staatspräsidenten dann geheime Verträge mit dem CIA
abgeschlossen, welche dann vollkommen freien Operations Feld haben
und den jeweiligen Geheimdienst wie eine Zweigstelle führen und auch
ihre Drogennetze dirigieren. Dies dient zur Finanzierung der
verdeckten Operationen des CIA.
Die Regierung der BRD, Italien etc.. kennt das Alles sehr genau!
Siehe x Verhaftungen nur in 2003 in Italien, von Albanischen
Geheimdienst Leuten.
siehe Spiegel Artikel über die CIA Zweigstelle und die
Todesschwadrone des CIA gegen die Rugova Leute.
Misteri i arrestimit te oficerit te SHISH ne Durres
Diten qe ne Shqiperi dhe Itali u ndermorr aksioni i perbashket per
goditjen e rrjetit te trafikut te
SHIK-asi i trafikut te minoreneve "deportohet" nga Italia
Ramadan Paja, oficeri i sherbimit sekret nga
oder von der auf der Terroristen stehen Nationalen Volks Armme
ist Herr Shefket Musliut direkt bei den Amerikanern ausgebildete
worden usw..
AKSH dhe roli i Shefket Musliut
siehe SWR, BR, Spiegel Mazedonien in 2001.
siehe von der dem Pentagon unterstellten Terroristischen Söldner
Truppe MPRI in Kroatien
Humanitarian Assistance to the Newly Independent States (NIS) of the
Former Soviet Union: For over four years, MPRI coordinated the US
Department of State efforts that supported the collection and
transportation of humanitarian relief supplies and equipment from
non-government and private volunteer organizations in the United
States to recipient organizations in the twelve republics of the
former Soviet Union. MPRI coordinated and tracked the collection,
inspection, transshipment, and delivery of 12,000 inter-modal
containers to 2,400 organizations in all 12 republics.
Republic of Croatia Democracy Transition Assistance Program (DTAP):
MPRI developed a multi-year program to provide leadership and
management skills and a personnel management system to the Croatian
Armed Forces. The US government approved program began with a survey
of the Croatian military training and education, and personnel
management programs and recommendations presented to the Minister of
Defense. During the next four years, DTAP was the catalyst for the
implementation of professional development courses focused on
leadership, management and civil-military relations in a democratic
environment. MPRI conducted a pilot program to evaluate the content
and conduct of each course emphasizing the development of qualified
Croatian instructors for follow-on presentations and assumption of
responsibility for the total conduct of the programs. The training
and education, and personnel management programs developed under this
contract are now under execution and sustainment.
+ Fortsetzung und Bulgarien etc..
Und alle verdienen prächtig!!
von den Staatspräsidenten dann geheime Verträge mit dem CIA
abgeschlossen, welche dann vollkommen freien Operations Feld haben
und den jeweiligen Geheimdienst wie eine Zweigstelle führen und auch
ihre Drogennetze dirigieren. Dies dient zur Finanzierung der
verdeckten Operationen des CIA.
Die Regierung der BRD, Italien etc.. kennt das Alles sehr genau!
Siehe x Verhaftungen nur in 2003 in Italien, von Albanischen
Geheimdienst Leuten.
siehe Spiegel Artikel über die CIA Zweigstelle und die
Todesschwadrone des CIA gegen die Rugova Leute.
Misteri i arrestimit te oficerit te SHISH ne Durres
Diten qe ne Shqiperi dhe Itali u ndermorr aksioni i perbashket per
goditjen e rrjetit te trafikut te
SHIK-asi i trafikut te minoreneve "deportohet" nga Italia
Ramadan Paja, oficeri i sherbimit sekret nga
oder von der auf der Terroristen stehen Nationalen Volks Armme
ist Herr Shefket Musliut direkt bei den Amerikanern ausgebildete
worden usw..
AKSH dhe roli i Shefket Musliut
siehe SWR, BR, Spiegel Mazedonien in 2001.
siehe von der dem Pentagon unterstellten Terroristischen Söldner
Truppe MPRI in Kroatien
Humanitarian Assistance to the Newly Independent States (NIS) of the
Former Soviet Union: For over four years, MPRI coordinated the US
Department of State efforts that supported the collection and
transportation of humanitarian relief supplies and equipment from
non-government and private volunteer organizations in the United
States to recipient organizations in the twelve republics of the
former Soviet Union. MPRI coordinated and tracked the collection,
inspection, transshipment, and delivery of 12,000 inter-modal
containers to 2,400 organizations in all 12 republics.
Republic of Croatia Democracy Transition Assistance Program (DTAP):
MPRI developed a multi-year program to provide leadership and
management skills and a personnel management system to the Croatian
Armed Forces. The US government approved program began with a survey
of the Croatian military training and education, and personnel
management programs and recommendations presented to the Minister of
Defense. During the next four years, DTAP was the catalyst for the
implementation of professional development courses focused on
leadership, management and civil-military relations in a democratic
environment. MPRI conducted a pilot program to evaluate the content
and conduct of each course emphasizing the development of qualified
Croatian instructors for follow-on presentations and assumption of
responsibility for the total conduct of the programs. The training
and education, and personnel management programs developed under this
contract are now under execution and sustainment.
+ Fortsetzung und Bulgarien etc..
Und alle verdienen prächtig!!