Warum sich ein US Botschafter in 2007 mit den 14 schlimmsten
Oligarchen traf, spricht Bände. Ebenso McKenzie war vor Ort, was
ebenso viel aussagt.
Und über Timoshenko war ja auch Alles bekannt. Merkel und Steinmeier,
eine einzige Peinlichkeit
Jetzt könnte für Rinat Achmetow, inzwischen 29 Jahre alt, die Zeit
gekommen sein, selbst geschäftlich in den Vordergrund zu treten. Er
übernahm den renommierten Fußballklub Schachtjor Donezk sowie das
Unternehmen Lux, und er war plötzlich ein einflussreicher Mann im
> http://www.juergen-roth.com/blog/material-uber-den-paten-rinat-akhmetov-achmetow-und-der-zusammenhang-zur-fusballeuropameisterschaft-2012-in-der-ukraine/#_edn3
wikeleaks depeschen
> http://www.cablegatesearch.net/cable.php?id=08KYIV2022
¶3. (C) During his trip to Donetsk (septels), Ambassador had dinner
June 14 with Ukrainian billionaire and Party of Regions financier
Rinat Akhmetov. Akhmetov admitted he had been disappointed during his
tenure as a deputy in Parliament (Verkhovna Rada)............ The
program had the potential to help unite the country, since Yanukovych
also was a strong McKinsey supporter.
¶11. (C) Akmetov reiterated his support for a Regions-OU coalition,
noting that within days of the 2006 parliamentary elections, he had
called a press conference in which he had publicly called for a
coalition between Regions and OU. There would be no love between the
two parties, just a contract marriage, but such a coalition would be
good for Ukraine. He had made the same point privately to Yanukovych.
The conditions were now right for such a coalition to be formed. The
alternative, a Regions coalition with the Communists and Nataliya
Vitrenko’s party, would put Ukraine ten years behind and destroy
prospects for further progress on economic and market reforms.
> http://www.cablegatesearch.net/cable.php?id=07KYIV1507
4. (C) Firtash defined Tymoshenko as an accomplished oligarch who had
made deals with Moscow that would leave Ukraine vulnerable to Russian
oligarchs in the future — something neither he nor Ukrainian
billionaire and PoR backer Rinat Akhmetov could stand by and watch
happen. Firtash referred to Tymoshenko’s title of “gas princess” as a
misnomer; he explained that Tymoshenko did make lots of money off of
a corrupt, perpetual gas debt scheme during the 1990s, but she knew
nothing about the gas business. He added that Tymoshenko hid her
wealth in property and investments in the U.K. to give the false
impression that she was not actively involved in business.
> http://www.wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/08KYIV2414_a.html