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HDP Parteisprecher: Wie werden weiter auf PKK-Beerdigungen gehen ...

Hier ein weiterer Artikel von 2020:

HDP lawmakers to continue to attend terrorist funerals, group deputy chair says

Apro-PKK Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Group Deputy Chairperson said they will continue to attend the funerals of PKK terrorists and “share their pain.”

“We will attend all funerals, whether they be funerals of civilians or those who go to the mountains, we will continue to share their pain,” HDP lawmaker Meral Danış Beştaş said, in reference to the funerals of PKK terrorists.

Beştaş’s comments came after ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) lawmakers criticized the HDP deputies for their pro-PKK stance.

AK Party Group Deputy Chairperson Emin Akbaşoğlu responded to Beştaş’s remarks and said her comments are unacceptable.

“No lawmaker can attend a terrorist’s funeral regardless of the circumstances. This cannot be excused,” Akbaşoğlu said.

An investigation revealed that HDP officials secretly transferred money to the terrorists to help with PKK members' funerals, which they have also been attending.

Wegen PKK-Unterstützung wurde ein Verbotsverfahren eingeleitet und das zu Recht.

Das Posting wurde vom Benutzer editiert (31.03.2021 21:56).

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