Die erneute BRD-Unterstützung für die Bandera-Armee ist illegal(Verstoß gegen UN-Charta, 2+4-Vertrag und GG) und hat seit 2014 bereits über 10000 Todesopfer und Millionen Vertriebene gefordert:
"Wie der vom Kanzleramt finanzierte Think-Tank schreibt, verstoßen "finanzielle und logistische Hilfeleistungen" fremder Staaten an eine Bürgerkriegspartei "gegen das Interventionsverbot"."
US-Senator: "We are using the Ukrainians for the time being as proxies."
"Gehlen Organization
Under Operation Sunrise, some 5,000 anti-communist Eastern European
and Russian personnel were trained for operational missions at a camp
at Oberammergau in 1946, under the command of General Sikes and SS
General Burckhardt. This and related initiatives supported
insurgencies in areas such as Ukraine, which were not entirely
supressed by the Soviets until 1956."
"The BND, the West German intelligence service under former Wehrmacht
Gen. Reinhard Gehlen, formed a new relationship with Bandera. It was
a natural union. During the war, Gehlen’s senior officers argued that
the USSR could be broken up if only Germany wooed the various
nationalities properly. Bandera had continued lines into the Ukraine,
and in March 1956 he offered these in return for money and
Die Kriegsziele sind die gleichen wie in den 40ern und 50ern.
Das Posting wurde vom Benutzer editiert (13.05.2022 20:47).