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  • KarlderEinfaeltige

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Re: Propaganda, Desinformation oder gar die Unwahrheit?

FIAE-Flix schrieb am 04.02.2024 14:33:

Ackerwertzahl 100 schrieb am 04.02.2024 13:51:

Die Vorgänge auf dem Maidan sollte man vielleicht wirklich mal objektiv und neutral aufarbeiten. Viel wird aber wohl nicht raus kommen. Allerdings sind die 5 Milliarden Dollar über eine langen Zeitraum schon weit vor den Vorfällen auf dem Maidan geflossen. Wie viel geld kam eigentlich aus Russland?

IIRC alleine 15 Milliarden Hilfsgelder die öffentlich bekannt sind. Wenn man die Gaspreisvergünstigung dazu nimmt, sicher nochmal einen zweistelligen Milliardenbetrag extra.

Siehe z.b.

Aber das sind natürlich alles "gute" Zahlungen, die nix mit irgendeiner Einflussnahme zu tun haben ,)

Aber selbstverständlich nicht!

Paul D’Anieri: Ukraine and Russia. From Civilized Divorce to Uncivil War. Cambridge University Press, 2023, ISBN 978-1-009-31554-8, S. 197,

Speaking at a conference in Yalta in September, Glazyev openly threatened dire consequences if Ukraine signed the Association Agreement. “We don’t want to use any kind of blackmail. But legally, signing this agreement about association with the EU, the Ukrainian government violates the treaty on strategic partnership and friendship with Russia.” That, he said, would mean that Russia would no longer guarantee Ukraine’s statehood and might intervene if pro-Russian regions sought help from Russia. He continued: “Who will pay for Ukraine’s default, which will become inevitable? Would Europe take responsibility for that?” Saying that Ukraine’s default would be inevitable was saying that Russia would make sure it happened.

Serhii Plokhy: The Russo-Ukrainian War. The Return of History. W. W. Norton & Company, New York 2023, ISBN 978-1-324-05119-0, S. 94–95,

In November 2013 Yanukovych accepted an invitation to the EU summit in Vilnius, where he was expected to sign the association agreement but abruptly refused to do so. Speaking to his own entourage, he explained the about-face as the result of an exchange with Putin, who had allegedly told him that he would never allow the European Union or NATO to share a border with Russia. If Yanukovych signed the EU agreement, Putin threatened to occupy the Crimea and a good part of southeastern Ukraine, including the Donbas. Yanukovych, visibly shaken, decided to abandon the EU association agreement.

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