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Deutscher Regimechange von 1945

Monggo schrieb am 16.08.2018 13:38:

Alleine wer den historischen Sieg über die absolute Barbarei abschätzig als regime change defamiert


Regime change is the replacement of one government regime with another. Use of the term dates to at least 1925.[1]

The transition from one political regime to another, especially through concerted political or military action, as was done in World War II to Italy, Germany, and Japan. (also known as the Axis Powers)

The term has been popularized by recent US presidents. Bill Clinton and George W. Bush regularly used the term in reference to Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq. Ronald Reagan had previously called for regime change in Libya, directing the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to work towards that goal.[2]


War sogar ein Bilderbuchregimechange 1945. Aber hat halt ein "Geschmäckle" vor allem wenn der kapitalistische Staat davon profitiert.


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