> Quelle hab ich vor 21 minuten gepostet. Vermutlich hast du ein
> Problem mit dem Browsercache. Was haben übrigens Madrid und London
> mit der zitierten Aussage zu tun ?
Nö, aber ich kann lesen! Dort steht:
An overwhelming 80% say Britain and the US should not have launched
the invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein. That is significantly
higher than the 73% opposed to terrorist strikes on the US, according
to the ICM survey for The Guardian.
Attacks on the US by al Qaida or other groups were viewed as
justified by 13% of the 500 British Muslims questioned. Another 15%
said they did not know whether the such attacks are wrong or right.
Far fewer, 10%, said Prime Minister Tony Blair and US President
George Bush were right to go to war.
Liberal Democrat MP Jenny Tonge provoked fury when she said that
despite condemning violence living as a Palestinian could have driven
her to become a suicide bomber.
However, 47% of Muslims agreed compared with just 15% of all of those
questioned. . . .
Das ist kein Zitat, sondern Tertiärliteratur, und selbst die hast du
noch sinnentstellend verkürzt und anschließend falsch übersetzt.
Das nennt man aufsexen ...
Ich empfehle:
dort geht man über 'gerechtfertigt' nicht hinaus.
Befürworten siehe:
Warum zitierst du nicht:
"Liberal Democrat MP Jenny Tonge provoked fury when she said that
despite condemning violence living as a Palestinian could have driven
her to become a suicide bomber."
> Problem mit dem Browsercache. Was haben übrigens Madrid und London
> mit der zitierten Aussage zu tun ?
Nö, aber ich kann lesen! Dort steht:
An overwhelming 80% say Britain and the US should not have launched
the invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein. That is significantly
higher than the 73% opposed to terrorist strikes on the US, according
to the ICM survey for The Guardian.
Attacks on the US by al Qaida or other groups were viewed as
justified by 13% of the 500 British Muslims questioned. Another 15%
said they did not know whether the such attacks are wrong or right.
Far fewer, 10%, said Prime Minister Tony Blair and US President
George Bush were right to go to war.
Liberal Democrat MP Jenny Tonge provoked fury when she said that
despite condemning violence living as a Palestinian could have driven
her to become a suicide bomber.
However, 47% of Muslims agreed compared with just 15% of all of those
questioned. . . .
Das ist kein Zitat, sondern Tertiärliteratur, und selbst die hast du
noch sinnentstellend verkürzt und anschließend falsch übersetzt.
Das nennt man aufsexen ...
Ich empfehle:
dort geht man über 'gerechtfertigt' nicht hinaus.
Befürworten siehe:
Warum zitierst du nicht:
"Liberal Democrat MP Jenny Tonge provoked fury when she said that
despite condemning violence living as a Palestinian could have driven
her to become a suicide bomber."