To: tomahawk
> Their blood lust will never be satisfied.
True enough and the United States is not going to be able to change
what has been happening for 3000 plus years in that area.
Our best military option at the beginning of this is still our best
military option now. FIRE THE DIPLOMATS! Pull them out of Iraq. Load
up all available bombers and make Iraq's infrastructure the sole
target of their mission. Take out any viable asset that could be used
against us in the next two decades, declare the military victory, and
pull out leaving them to do what they have done ever since.
We need some Generals who are soldiers and not career military
politicians and some leaders in Washington who understand that
soldiers are not to be used for diplomats nor peace keepers. That
sole issue right there has been the sticking point going into our
forth war. Each war where soldiers have been used for this purpose
instead of the elimination of the enemy it has failed. Do it, be done
with it, and get out. We have a far more serious threat next door to
them to contend with. For Iran I say we do the same.
In the mean time if our State Department and politicans want Iraq
rebuilt then let them at their own risk go there themselves and do it
with their own dime. Don't expect our troops to come running to their
rescue for their stupidity.
140 posted on 02/23/2006 3:05:21 PM PST by cva66snipe
> Their blood lust will never be satisfied.
True enough and the United States is not going to be able to change
what has been happening for 3000 plus years in that area.
Our best military option at the beginning of this is still our best
military option now. FIRE THE DIPLOMATS! Pull them out of Iraq. Load
up all available bombers and make Iraq's infrastructure the sole
target of their mission. Take out any viable asset that could be used
against us in the next two decades, declare the military victory, and
pull out leaving them to do what they have done ever since.
We need some Generals who are soldiers and not career military
politicians and some leaders in Washington who understand that
soldiers are not to be used for diplomats nor peace keepers. That
sole issue right there has been the sticking point going into our
forth war. Each war where soldiers have been used for this purpose
instead of the elimination of the enemy it has failed. Do it, be done
with it, and get out. We have a far more serious threat next door to
them to contend with. For Iran I say we do the same.
In the mean time if our State Department and politicans want Iraq
rebuilt then let them at their own risk go there themselves and do it
with their own dime. Don't expect our troops to come running to their
rescue for their stupidity.
140 posted on 02/23/2006 3:05:21 PM PST by cva66snipe