Chomsky hat das mal schön auf den Punkt gebracht:
The point that they reiterate over and over is that it is necessary to establish the credibility of NATO. Now, all we have to do is translate from Newspeak. What does “credibility of NATO” mean? Are they concerned with the credibility of Italy or the credibility of Belgium? Obviously not. They are concerned with the credibility of the United States. Now, what does the “credibility of the United States” mean? Well, you can ask any Mafia don, and he’ll explain it. So, suppose some Mafia don is running some area in Chicago, what does he mean by “credibility”? He means that you have got to show people that they better be obedient or else. That’s credibility.
(Ist von 1999 – da war doch was? –, trifft’s aber immer noch.)