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  • S0undS0

313 Beiträge seit 07.08.2018

Re: Heizen Windräder die Klimaerwärmung weiter an ...?

Wer sich für die im Link angegebenen Studie interessiert, sollte es nicht versäumen, sich auch die Peer Review [1] dazu anzuschauen:

What this study, and others, suggests is that wind farms can cause localised and regional warming – not global warming. Studies have also shown wind farms can cause cooling further away.
(Dr. Alona Armstrong)

[...] So great to see David’s paper – but let’s keep it in perspective and not use it as yet another excuse for kicking real mitigation still further into the long grass.
(Prof. Kevin Anderson)

[...] It most certainly does not suggest that the environmental effects of wind farms (which are local and immediately reversible) are in any way comparable to those of burning fossil fuels (which are global and irreversible on human time scales).
(Prof. Stephen Mobbs)

[...] overall (as the authors say) wind power “still beats fossil fuels under any reasonable measure of long-term environmental impacts
(Prof. John Shepherd FRS)

While we acknowledge the importance of ongoing research on potential climate impacts of large-scale deployment of renewables, and of technologies such as BECCS, it would, in our view, be a mistake to slow the deployment of wind power in the light of this paper.
(Prof Bob Lowe)



Das Posting wurde vom Benutzer editiert (30.06.2021 18:29).

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