Katerstrophe schrieb am 01.01.2023 13:13:
Mintpress news
Von der westlichen Propaganda unter den Teppich gekehrt, was sich in der Ukraine abspielt:
Zelensky, too, it seems, is attempting to force through waves of privatization to revolutionize the Ukrainian economy. At the same time as jetting off to the New York Stock Exchange and proclaiming that Ukraine offers the best investment opportunity since World War Two, unions have effectively been banned across the country, and communists and labor rights activists have been jailed.
Describing this as the “financial rape of Ukrainian public holdings”, Blumenthal compared the events to the asset-stripping frenzy that wrecked the Russian economy in the 1990s.
It was this sort of reporting and commentary that likely triggered Blumenthal’s disinvitation from a conference in Portugal (reportedly at the behest of Ukrainian First Lady, Olena Zelenska).
Max Blumenthal is an award-winning journalist and the author of several books, including Republican Gomorrah, Goliath, The Fifty One Day War, and The Management of Savagery. He has produced print articles for an array of publications, many video reports, and several documentaries, including Killing Gaza. Blumenthal founded investigative news outlet, The Grayzone in 2015. It focuses on highlighting America’s bellicose foreign policy and how the perpetual state of war echoes into domestic policy.
Die Oligarchen werden gekickt, Korruption wird ausgewiesen, es lohnt sich zu investieren.
Tut mir ja leid dass die russischen Oligarchen nun leider doch in ihrem eigenen Land wirtschaften müssen. Auch die Regionen werden sich nicht noch Jahrzehnte plündern und umbringen lassen.
Echt gemein diese Ukrainer ...
Die Kreml Mafiosis hätten es besser machen können.
Deutscher Stahl für Putins Panzer ...
Die SMS Group pampert einen der reichsten russischen Oligarchen.