Die PPP Programme, vor allem auch von der Weltbank überall inzeniert,
mit Hilfe von Heidemarie Wieczorek - Zeul, der Grünen Uschi Eid,
waren von Beginn an ein Betrugs Geschäft, was auch von EU Gerichten
festgestellt wurde.
Der Witz ist, das nun die Weltbank feststellt, das Alles in Betrug
und Corruption untergegangen ist, was meiner Person auch in 2000
schon klar war. siehe Berlinwasser und das Debakel vor 10 Jahren in
Albanien. Die Bestechungs orgien der Banker rund um PPP Geschäfte
usw.. auch in Deutschland.
Fixing Fraud in Public-Private Projects
Leonard McCarthy's picture
Submitted by Leonard McCarthy On Thu, 04/18/2013 - 20:15
What’s a cash-tight government to do when it wants to modernize a
hospital, build a railway, or expand the power grid to reach
underserved areas? It might explore outside, private sources of
financing—that’s where public-private partnerships (PPPs) come in.
The acronym has a promising ring to it, yet going back to the 1970s,
its impact has been mixed. At their best, PPPs can provide rapid
injections of cash from private financiers, delivery of quality
services, and overall cost-effectiveness the public sector can’t
achieve on its own.
But at their worst, PPPs can also drive up costs, under-deliver
services, harm the public interest, and introduce new opportunities
for fraud, collusion, and corruption. Our experience at the World
Bank Integrity Vice Presidency is that because PPPs most often are
geared toward providing essential public services in infrastructure,
health and education, the integrity risks inherent in these sectors
also transfer to PPPs.
On April 17, the Integrity Vice Presidency convened a public
discussion on corruption in PPPs (pdf) bringing together finance,
energy, and fairness-monitoring perspectives. Looking at the
landscape, in the last eight years, 134 developing countries have
implemented PPPs in infrastructure, and in the last decade the World
Bank has approved some $23 billion lending and risk guarantee
operations in support of PPPs.
Opening the event, World Bank Managing Director Sri Mulyani recounted
examples from her previous life as Indonesia’s Minister of Finance.
She reminded the audience that while fraud in PPPs can seem abstract,
the quality, safety, and human costs are very real—such as when a
bridge crumbles after only five years, though it was supposedly built
to last 15. ............
> http://blogs.worldbank.org/voices/fixing-fraud-in-public-private-projects
mit Hilfe von Heidemarie Wieczorek - Zeul, der Grünen Uschi Eid,
waren von Beginn an ein Betrugs Geschäft, was auch von EU Gerichten
festgestellt wurde.
Der Witz ist, das nun die Weltbank feststellt, das Alles in Betrug
und Corruption untergegangen ist, was meiner Person auch in 2000
schon klar war. siehe Berlinwasser und das Debakel vor 10 Jahren in
Albanien. Die Bestechungs orgien der Banker rund um PPP Geschäfte
usw.. auch in Deutschland.
Fixing Fraud in Public-Private Projects
Leonard McCarthy's picture
Submitted by Leonard McCarthy On Thu, 04/18/2013 - 20:15
What’s a cash-tight government to do when it wants to modernize a
hospital, build a railway, or expand the power grid to reach
underserved areas? It might explore outside, private sources of
financing—that’s where public-private partnerships (PPPs) come in.
The acronym has a promising ring to it, yet going back to the 1970s,
its impact has been mixed. At their best, PPPs can provide rapid
injections of cash from private financiers, delivery of quality
services, and overall cost-effectiveness the public sector can’t
achieve on its own.
But at their worst, PPPs can also drive up costs, under-deliver
services, harm the public interest, and introduce new opportunities
for fraud, collusion, and corruption. Our experience at the World
Bank Integrity Vice Presidency is that because PPPs most often are
geared toward providing essential public services in infrastructure,
health and education, the integrity risks inherent in these sectors
also transfer to PPPs.
On April 17, the Integrity Vice Presidency convened a public
discussion on corruption in PPPs (pdf) bringing together finance,
energy, and fairness-monitoring perspectives. Looking at the
landscape, in the last eight years, 134 developing countries have
implemented PPPs in infrastructure, and in the last decade the World
Bank has approved some $23 billion lending and risk guarantee
operations in support of PPPs.
Opening the event, World Bank Managing Director Sri Mulyani recounted
examples from her previous life as Indonesia’s Minister of Finance.
She reminded the audience that while fraud in PPPs can seem abstract,
the quality, safety, and human costs are very real—such as when a
bridge crumbles after only five years, though it was supposedly built
to last 15. ............
> http://blogs.worldbank.org/voices/fixing-fraud-in-public-private-projects