Offene Propaganda? Getürkte Raketenangriffe, um gegen über der
eigenen Bevölkerung den Krieg zu rechtfertigen und weiter bomben zu
SPON 31. Juli 2006
"Israel fliegt neue Luftangriffe
Es ist eine brüchige Feuerpause: Zwar haben die Israelis ihre
Bombardements eingeschränkt, doch nach wie vor beschießt die
Artillerie Hisbollah-Stellungen, fliegen Kampfjets vereinzelte
Einsätze. Auch die Hisbollah feuerte wieder Raketen Richtung Israel.
Tyrus/Jerusalem - Die Feuerpause währte nur wenige Stunden: Am Morgen
hatte ein isralischer Militärsprecher angekündigt, die 48-stündige
Einstellung der Luftangriffe gelte ab 1.00 Uhr MESZ. Aber bereits
heute stiegen wieder Kampfjets auf. Die Streitkräfte erklärten, mit
diesen Luftangriffen sollten Bodentruppen in dem Gebiet geschützt
werden, die nahe der südlibanesischen Städte Taibeh und Kila
operierten. Israel hatte sich schon bei der Verkündung der Feuerpause
das Recht vorbehalten, Stellungen ins Visier zu nehmen, von denen
Angriffe auf Israel vorbereitet würden.
Laut einem Bericht der Nachrichtenagentur AP erfolgten die
Luftangriffe, nachdem die radikal-islamische Hisbollah-Miliz einen
israelischen Panzer beschossen und dabei drei Soldaten verletzt
hatte. Die Hisbollah feuerte zudem Raketen in die Stadt Kirjat
Schmona. Der israelische Rundfunk meldete, zwei Katjuscha-Raketen
seien im Bereich der Grenzstadt eingeschlagen. Gestern hatte die
Hisbollah etwa 140 Raketen auf Israel abgefeuert, mehr als hundert
davon auf Kirjat Schmona....
...Israel hatte sich trotz der Feuerpause vorbehalten, weiter gegen
die Hisbollah vorzugehen, sollte die Miliz das Land mit Raketen
beschießen. Es gebe keine Waffenruhe, sagte ein Regierungsvertreter
dem Online-Dienst der israelischen Zeitung "Haaretz"...",1518,429425,00.html
"...Rockets hit Kiryat Shmona
No rockets fired at north Monday morning, but several Katyushas
located in city later in afternoon. On Sunday, Hizbullah breaks
record by firing about 100 rockets at city, causing heavy damage to
streets, buildings
Hagai Einav
Day 20: Several rockets fired at Israel were located Monday afternoon
in open areas in one of the kibbutzim near Kiryat Shmona. There were
no reports of injuries or damage.
The police on Monday morning announced that no rockets were fired at
the Galilee panhandle, and that the blasts heard in Kiryat Shmona
were part of exchanges of fire along the northern border.
A quiet tension prevailed along the border since Sunday at around 8
p.m. and not rockets were fired at the communities.
Earlier, the police reported that a barrage of four rockets was fired
at the north on Monday morning, hitting open areas in Kiryat Shmona.
The report was apparently false.
On Sunday, Hizbullah broke a record by firing more than 150 rockets
at northern communities and causing heavy damage. About 100 of the
rockets landed in Kiryat Shmona and caused a lot of damage in the
city streetsForty-seven people were hurt as a result of the rockets
fired at the north Sunday – one sustaining moderate wounds,
eight sustaining light wounds and 38 who suffered from shock.
First Published: 07.31.06, 10:00
Latest Update: 07.31.06, 13:58...",7340,L-3283994,00.html
UND dann das öffentliche Dementi:
"..Authorities Say Reports of Katyushas Not True
11:11 Jul 31, '06 / 6 Av 5766
( Reports that Hizbullah terrorists attacked the Kiryat
Shmona area with four Katyusha rockets in the last hour were
unfounded, according to updated and live conversations with people in
the area.
It is not known how the media received reports of a rocket attack. So
far Monday morning, Hizbullah has held its fire, from the time the
American State Department announced a cease fire can be reached this
Published: 10:09 July 31, 2006
Last Update: 11:11 July 31, 2006
Israel Army: Explosions In N Israel Not Hezbollah Rockets
Monday July 31st, 2006 / 9h43
JERUSALEM (AP)--The Israeli army said Monday that several explosions
in northern Israel weren't caused by Hezbollah rockets as it had
stated earlier, but rather "controlled" explosions by police.
Earlier, the army said Hezbollah fired rockets at various regions of
northern Israel, which would have been the first guerrilla attacks
since Israel suspended its airstrikes in Lebanon for 48 hours
following the killing of dozens of civilians in the Lebanese village
of Qana.
No Hezbollah attacks have been reported since Israel began the
suspension at 2 a.m. on Monday.
Monday July 31st, 2006 / 9h43
Verwirrung um Explosionen in Israel
Israel hat Vorwürfe zurückgenommen, wonach die Hisbollah während der
Feuerpause Raketen abgefeuert hat. Bei den Detonationen im Norden
Israels habe es sich um Explosionen gehandelt, die von der Polizei
herbeigeführt worden seien, teilte die Armee mit.
Und natürlich die Verschwörungstheorien.....
"... Wake Up To... Bogus attacks
One dosen't need much intelligence to figure out that some
organisation for several weeks has been creating fear by setting up
bogus rocket strikes.
When you see rubbish sites aflame, reports of rockets landing near
schools, kindergartens and hospitals more than likely the rockets
have been planted and a small explosion set off.
The first Hamas rocket to land in Ashkelon and by coincidence in a
school was certainly a plant.
The above article in the way it is written is dishonest but it does
show at least the police to be honest in quickly refuting claims of
these false strikes.,7340,L-3283994,00.html
Was geht hier vor sich?
eigenen Bevölkerung den Krieg zu rechtfertigen und weiter bomben zu
SPON 31. Juli 2006
"Israel fliegt neue Luftangriffe
Es ist eine brüchige Feuerpause: Zwar haben die Israelis ihre
Bombardements eingeschränkt, doch nach wie vor beschießt die
Artillerie Hisbollah-Stellungen, fliegen Kampfjets vereinzelte
Einsätze. Auch die Hisbollah feuerte wieder Raketen Richtung Israel.
Tyrus/Jerusalem - Die Feuerpause währte nur wenige Stunden: Am Morgen
hatte ein isralischer Militärsprecher angekündigt, die 48-stündige
Einstellung der Luftangriffe gelte ab 1.00 Uhr MESZ. Aber bereits
heute stiegen wieder Kampfjets auf. Die Streitkräfte erklärten, mit
diesen Luftangriffen sollten Bodentruppen in dem Gebiet geschützt
werden, die nahe der südlibanesischen Städte Taibeh und Kila
operierten. Israel hatte sich schon bei der Verkündung der Feuerpause
das Recht vorbehalten, Stellungen ins Visier zu nehmen, von denen
Angriffe auf Israel vorbereitet würden.
Laut einem Bericht der Nachrichtenagentur AP erfolgten die
Luftangriffe, nachdem die radikal-islamische Hisbollah-Miliz einen
israelischen Panzer beschossen und dabei drei Soldaten verletzt
hatte. Die Hisbollah feuerte zudem Raketen in die Stadt Kirjat
Schmona. Der israelische Rundfunk meldete, zwei Katjuscha-Raketen
seien im Bereich der Grenzstadt eingeschlagen. Gestern hatte die
Hisbollah etwa 140 Raketen auf Israel abgefeuert, mehr als hundert
davon auf Kirjat Schmona....
...Israel hatte sich trotz der Feuerpause vorbehalten, weiter gegen
die Hisbollah vorzugehen, sollte die Miliz das Land mit Raketen
beschießen. Es gebe keine Waffenruhe, sagte ein Regierungsvertreter
dem Online-Dienst der israelischen Zeitung "Haaretz"...",1518,429425,00.html
"...Rockets hit Kiryat Shmona
No rockets fired at north Monday morning, but several Katyushas
located in city later in afternoon. On Sunday, Hizbullah breaks
record by firing about 100 rockets at city, causing heavy damage to
streets, buildings
Hagai Einav
Day 20: Several rockets fired at Israel were located Monday afternoon
in open areas in one of the kibbutzim near Kiryat Shmona. There were
no reports of injuries or damage.
The police on Monday morning announced that no rockets were fired at
the Galilee panhandle, and that the blasts heard in Kiryat Shmona
were part of exchanges of fire along the northern border.
A quiet tension prevailed along the border since Sunday at around 8
p.m. and not rockets were fired at the communities.
Earlier, the police reported that a barrage of four rockets was fired
at the north on Monday morning, hitting open areas in Kiryat Shmona.
The report was apparently false.
On Sunday, Hizbullah broke a record by firing more than 150 rockets
at northern communities and causing heavy damage. About 100 of the
rockets landed in Kiryat Shmona and caused a lot of damage in the
city streetsForty-seven people were hurt as a result of the rockets
fired at the north Sunday – one sustaining moderate wounds,
eight sustaining light wounds and 38 who suffered from shock.
First Published: 07.31.06, 10:00
Latest Update: 07.31.06, 13:58...",7340,L-3283994,00.html
UND dann das öffentliche Dementi:
"..Authorities Say Reports of Katyushas Not True
11:11 Jul 31, '06 / 6 Av 5766
( Reports that Hizbullah terrorists attacked the Kiryat
Shmona area with four Katyusha rockets in the last hour were
unfounded, according to updated and live conversations with people in
the area.
It is not known how the media received reports of a rocket attack. So
far Monday morning, Hizbullah has held its fire, from the time the
American State Department announced a cease fire can be reached this
Published: 10:09 July 31, 2006
Last Update: 11:11 July 31, 2006
Israel Army: Explosions In N Israel Not Hezbollah Rockets
Monday July 31st, 2006 / 9h43
JERUSALEM (AP)--The Israeli army said Monday that several explosions
in northern Israel weren't caused by Hezbollah rockets as it had
stated earlier, but rather "controlled" explosions by police.
Earlier, the army said Hezbollah fired rockets at various regions of
northern Israel, which would have been the first guerrilla attacks
since Israel suspended its airstrikes in Lebanon for 48 hours
following the killing of dozens of civilians in the Lebanese village
of Qana.
No Hezbollah attacks have been reported since Israel began the
suspension at 2 a.m. on Monday.
Monday July 31st, 2006 / 9h43
Verwirrung um Explosionen in Israel
Israel hat Vorwürfe zurückgenommen, wonach die Hisbollah während der
Feuerpause Raketen abgefeuert hat. Bei den Detonationen im Norden
Israels habe es sich um Explosionen gehandelt, die von der Polizei
herbeigeführt worden seien, teilte die Armee mit.
Und natürlich die Verschwörungstheorien.....
"... Wake Up To... Bogus attacks
One dosen't need much intelligence to figure out that some
organisation for several weeks has been creating fear by setting up
bogus rocket strikes.
When you see rubbish sites aflame, reports of rockets landing near
schools, kindergartens and hospitals more than likely the rockets
have been planted and a small explosion set off.
The first Hamas rocket to land in Ashkelon and by coincidence in a
school was certainly a plant.
The above article in the way it is written is dishonest but it does
show at least the police to be honest in quickly refuting claims of
these false strikes.,7340,L-3283994,00.html
Was geht hier vor sich?