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  • DieObersteDirektive

mehr als 1000 Beiträge seit 23.11.2018

Meanwhile in Germany

German police officers were caught on camera restraining Emre Tumsek, a German-Turkish man, in Duisburg on Saturday for over three minutes.

The video shot by a bystander near the man's shop shows two police officers handcuffing him and then pinning him down to the ground by applying pressure with their knees on his neck and back.

Emre Tumsek shared the video on social media and stated that it bears similarities with George Floyd's treatment by the police.

He further said that once in the police vehicle, they made him listen to the German national anthem and then kept him in a cell for four hours without explanation.

Englisch können wir ja alle hier.:-)

Auch hier glaube ich nicht, dass Rassismus das Motiv für diese unverhältnismäßige Behandlung war. Immerhin wurde nicht das Knie auf den Kopf gedrückt, wie zum Beispiel beim Querdenken Anwalt Markus Haintz.

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