Lingen2 schrieb am 22. April 2007 18:46
> Das war vielleicht bis in die 80er Jahre so, als noch Unsummen in
> militärische Entwicklungen gesteckt werden.
Das ist sogar immer noch so. Beispiel Eurofighter:
"# Many of the Typhoon’s labour skills are highly transferable (e.g.
to motor car and electronics industries; and to work on Airbus A380).
This means that breaks in Typhoon production can be costly through
losses in learning and the loss of experienced workers.
# An impressive set of examples of the technology benefits from
Typhoon were identified. These include carbon fibre technology; super
plastic forming and fusion bonding; modular avionics; the flight
control system; and aero-engine technology. Technology spin-offs were
also identified from the Typhoon Programme to civil aircraft, to
motor car industries (including Formula 1 racing cars in Italy and
the UK) and to supply chains. These technology externalities were
valued at Euros 7.2 billion (minimum).
# Typhoon is not only contributing to technology benefits and
spin-offs: it is also contributing to the creation of a range of
modern business practices which are being applied throughout the
supply chain."
Was sich geändert hat, ist, dass man das Rad nicht mehr zweimal
> Das war vielleicht bis in die 80er Jahre so, als noch Unsummen in
> militärische Entwicklungen gesteckt werden.
Das ist sogar immer noch so. Beispiel Eurofighter:
"# Many of the Typhoon’s labour skills are highly transferable (e.g.
to motor car and electronics industries; and to work on Airbus A380).
This means that breaks in Typhoon production can be costly through
losses in learning and the loss of experienced workers.
# An impressive set of examples of the technology benefits from
Typhoon were identified. These include carbon fibre technology; super
plastic forming and fusion bonding; modular avionics; the flight
control system; and aero-engine technology. Technology spin-offs were
also identified from the Typhoon Programme to civil aircraft, to
motor car industries (including Formula 1 racing cars in Italy and
the UK) and to supply chains. These technology externalities were
valued at Euros 7.2 billion (minimum).
# Typhoon is not only contributing to technology benefits and
spin-offs: it is also contributing to the creation of a range of
modern business practices which are being applied throughout the
supply chain."
Was sich geändert hat, ist, dass man das Rad nicht mehr zweimal