... beizubringen und Sanktionen gegen uns zu erheben? Naja, kümmern wir uns nicht darum. Ich wiederhole, es ist ihre Wahl....."
Übrigens, in Russland gibt es schon lange keinen Lockdown mehr, da wird wieder gelebt, gearbeitet und gern gefeiert, s. hier:
Die Tass zitiert Putins Kommentar zu Bretons gestriger Einlassung so:
"It is surprising that right ahead of our meeting, as I was informed, just now one of the responsible European Commission officials stressed <…>, ‘We don’t need Sputnik V.’ It is a strange statement, we are not imposing anything on anyone," the president underlined. According to him, when such statements are voiced by officials "a question arises whose interests these people protect and represent, interests of certain pharmaceutical companies or interests of citizens of European countries."
"What are they doing? Lobbying? And these people are trying to teach us something and impose some sanctions against us," Putin noted. "Well, let it be. I reiterate, it is their choice. Please, let them do whatever they deem necessary and expedient to realize the goals they are facing," he added.
The president noted that many people in Europe are not aware that Moscow submitted an official application to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) on January 21, 2021 to certify the Russian vaccine and received the decision that the process had begun only on March 4. At the same time, Putin stressed that Russian pharmaceutical companies should consider the dynamics of the global market and demand for vaccines to develop their industrial capabilities with this in mind.