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  • DerWaechter

mehr als 1000 Beiträge seit 19.02.2010

Wenn man denn wirklich verhandeln wollte

wäre das hier eine vernünftige Grundlage:



1. Russian forces would withdraw from eastern Ukraine, and Russia would accept Ukraine’s current borders in a binding treaty.

2. Ukraine would agree never join NATO.

3. Ukraine would be allowed membership in both the European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union.

4. A new, internationally supervised referendum would be held in Crimea on whether to join Russia, remain part of Ukraine, or become independent, as Michael O’Hanlon of the Brookings Institution and others have suggested, thereby providing a victory to the West’s core values by promoting authentically democratic self—determination, as opposed to the phony democracy practiced in the referendum held in Crimea last year.

5. All economic sanctions on Russia would be lifted."

Aber da es gar nicht um die Ukraine geht, sondern darum, Russland zu unterwerfen, gibt es auch keine substanziellen Verhandlungen. Nichts, aber auch gar nichts deutet darauf hin, dass der Westen vom Konfrontationskurs abrücken will.

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