Sonst gäbe es nicht bereits seit 2014 den Konflikt mit den östlichen Gebieten, der sicherlich von Russland befördert, aber nicht geschaffen wurde.
Da hat jemand fast ein Jahrzehnt lang nicht die Zeitung aufgeschlagen. Bereits 2014 berichtete die Moscow Times:
Russia's Igor Strelkov: I Am Responsible for War in Eastern Ukraine
Russian national Igor Strelkov, a former commander of pro-Moscow separatists in eastern Ukraine, has claimed personal responsibility for unleashing the conflict in which 4,300 people have been killed since April.
"I was the one who pulled the trigger of this war," Strelkov said in an interview published Thursday with Russia's Zavtra newspaper, which espouses imperialist views.
"If our unit hadn't crossed the border, everything would have fizzled out — like in [the Ukrainian city of] Kharkiv, like in Odessa," Strelkov, who uses that nom-de-guerre meaning "Shooter" to replace his last name Girkin, was quoted as saying.
"There would have been several dozen killed, burned, detained. And that would have been the end of it. But the flywheel of the war, which is continuing to this day, was spun by our unit. We mixed up all the cards on the table," he said.
Aber per Vogelstrauß-Taktik mal die Wahrheit ausblenden, wenn sie nicht ins eigene Narrativ passt - das kennen wir ja hier zu genüge.